Person Centered Planning: Self Advocacy Who Is in Charge of Your Meeting? Presenters: Sue Sawyer Vicki Shadd January 13, 2016 Session 3 of 3 in Series CWA Conference, 2016 Sacramento, CA
Welcome A Certificate will be issued to individuals who complete all three of these Sessions The Certificate will document you have participated in three introductory workshops Introduction to Serving Youth with Disabilities Certificate Issued by the California Transition Alliance Effective Outreach to Youth with Disabilities and Interagency Collaboration Competitive Integrated Employment and Accommodations in the Work Place Person Centered Planning: Self Advocacy and Student Lead Meetings Powerpoints for each session will be posted on the CA Transition Alliance website ( February 1,
Person Centered Planning The Challenge Help Youth Achieve Employment by Engaging Them in the Planning Process Whose Plan is the Employment Plan Created by your agency ?
Person Centered Planning What does it mean? Known by many names? Why is it important? Can you identify a youth you have worked with who has a disability?
When you hear the Person Centered Plan Forced Choice Demand Require I heard your plan That is not going to work
6 School / Agency Expectations Poverty Peers School / Agency Expectations Family Have you met this youth? Delayed Adulthood Poverty Juvenile Justice Diploma Work Experience Assets Expectations Disability Peers Stress
Definition of Self Advocacy Skills Understanding you strengths and needs, identifying your personal goals, knowing your legal rights and responsibilities and communicating these to others How many youth that you work with are self advocates? Where besides schools and agencies do they need to use self advocacy skills? Developing the plan with the youth is an opportunity to teach, enhance and apply self advocacy skills How many issues on the following charts impact the youth’s ability to have the confidence to advocate for themselves?
Supporting youth in participating and leading meetings When do you require youth to advocate for themselves? Other WIOA staff In the Community At School At Work
A Change in Your Practice Activity
What Works? What Services Make the Most Difference The top ten researched strategies that lead to employment are Inclusion in general education – earning a diploma Occupational training Paid work Independent Living Skills Work-study programs Youth Autonomy
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Wrap Up Information for Series Completers Powerpoint wil lbe posted at… by…. Q & A