How Plants Grow 2.2.1
How do plants grow?
What do plants need to grow? 1) Soil 2) Sun 3) Water
Plants start out as tiny seeds.
Then the roots grow.
Next comes the sprout. The sprout is a stem and a leaf.
Later, a bud forms.
Finally, there is a flower.
Last, grows the fruit or vegetable.
Vocabulary Words
burst Buds burst open and turn into flowers.
burst = open quickly Is this a verb?
drift The seeds drifted in the wind.
drift = to float Is this a verb?
drown If you stay under water too long you may drown.
drown = to die underwater because you can't breath Then the roots grow. Click to add subtitle Is this a verb?
de - sert A cactus grows in the desert.
desert = a hot, sandy area Is this a verb? No! It's a place. A noun is a person, place, or thing. A desert is a noun.
gent - ly The seeds landed gently on the ground.
gently = carefully The word gently describes a verb. It is called an adverb. Adverbs usually end with -ly carefully quickly slowly gently seriously Can you think of some more adverbs?
neigh - bor My neighbor has a beautiful garden!
neighbor = a person near you or someone who live next door Is neighbor a verb? No! Neighbor is a noun because it's a person.