ENVIRO. PROJECT By: The Hakuna Matatas
RESEARCH QUESTION Will a rose bud seed grow in salt water, and will a tulip seed grow in regular water with regular sun light?
HYPOTHESIS Both seeds will grow
PROCEDURE Put both seeds in different water. Place rose bud seed in salt water with natural sun light Place tulip seed in regular water with natural sun light
DATA COLLECTION The rose bud has yet to grow and the tulip is starting to sprout.
ANALYSIS The rose and the tulip seed have both died an unfortunate death.
CONCLUSION Rose seeds wont grow in salt water with natural sunlight and tulip seeds wont grow in just regular water with natural sunlight.
FURTHER RESEARCH Tulip is the third most popular flower in the world, next only to rose and chrysanthemum. Holland has dominated the tulip market of the world. The flower was introduced in the country by Carolus Clusius, when he was appointed as the professor of Botany, at Leiden University. Tulip is a flower in the genus Tulipa, which comprises of about 150 bulbous species. Tulips come in a wide array of vibrant colors, like red, yellow, orange, purple, pink and many more. Tulip flowers generally have 2-6 leaves; though some species have been have to have up to 12 leaves. There are nearly 3000 varieties of tulips, known by various names. The average height of a tulip plant ranges from centimeters.