Asexual Reproduction Genetics & Heredity
Asexual Reproduction + Same DNA Requires one parent Rapid - No genetic variation – same DNA Can outgrow environment
Binary Fission Simplest form of reproductionreproduction Parent reproduces genetic material Divides into two daughter cells Examples Bacteria Bacteria Protozoa Some Algae
Budding New organism develops from an outgrowth or bud bud Examples Hydra Hydra Yeast Yeast Sponges
Spores Specialized cells with tough outer coating which protects inner cell Examples Ferns Ferns Mushrooms Fungi - MoldMold
Regeneration Ability to re-grow lost body parts Some organisms can grow whole new organism from a single piece of the original Examples Sea stars, star fish Salamander Salamander Gecko Gecko
Vegetative Propagation Cells separated from parent to form completely new independent individualindependent individual Examples Roots Stems Runners Cuttings Cuttings Other structures: tubers, corms, bulbs
Cloning Scientifically engineered, genetically identical copies of a biological entity identical copies Examples Naturally occurring - Identical TwinsIdentical Twins Dolly Body parts