12 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives ” Rome 18 th November 2014
Agenda 18th November 2014, 08:00 h – 17:00 h No.Topic 1.Introduction: Welcome by Host and Chair 1a.Confirmation of Number of eligible voting persons for Member states 1b.Confirmation of Agenda of the Meeting 1c.Confirmation of Minutes of the last Meeting 2.Short review of Research Policy Group Meeting ( in Berlin) 3. Short review of SAB / SOAB Board Meetings (25./ in Amsterdam/Brussels) 4.Status J-AGE II 5Results of the Task Force on Secretarial Services Coffee Break
Agenda 18th November 2014, 08:00 h – 17:00 h No.Topic 6.Status J-AGE I 7. Status Quo of JPI UEP (Understanding Employment Participation) Fast Track Lunch Break in conjunction with JPND 14: :00: Only for Members of the General Assembly
Agenda 18th November 2014, 08:00 h – 17:00 h No.Topic 8.Results of Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure 9. Voting, respectively approval of the new Steering Committee (replacement of Troika system) 10.Country Reports – News & Information from the Member States 11.Next Meetings 12.AOB Coffee Break in conjunction with JPND Joint Activity with the JPI on Neurodegenerative Diseases for possible common plans
1a. Confirmation of Number of eligible voting persons for Member states The GA is invited to: i.Approve the number of voting persons, approve the agenda and a final version of the Palermo Minutes
1b. Confirmation of Agenda of the Meeting The GA is invited to: i.Discuss amendments
1c. Confirmation of Minutes of the last Meeting The GA is invited to: i.Discuss amendments
2. Short review of Research Policy Group Meeting The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the input and feedback to the EU COM etc.
3. Short review of SAB / SOAB Board Meetings The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the Results of the SAB and SOAB Meetings
4. Status of J-AGE II The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the progress of J-AGE II
5. Results of the Task Force on Secretarial Services The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the results of the Task Forces work
6. Status J-AGE I The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the progress of J-AGE and in particular the call preparation
Status Quo of J-AGE I
Deliverables 09/ /2013 MonthDeliverables etc. 109/2012 Delivered: D 1.1 / D 1.2 / D 1.3 / D 1.4 Rejected (EU COM 12 month review report): D 5.1 (Website content) -> resubmitted/delivered on /2012 Delivered: D /2012 Delivered: D /2012 Delivered: D / /2013 Delivered: D 1.3 Rejected (EU COM 12 month review report): D 6.1 (Set of Type A Indicators for Evaluation)--> resubmitted/delivered on the /2013 Delivered: D 2.1 / D 2.2 / D 2.3 / D / /2013 Delivered: D /2013 Delivered: D 4.1 Rejected (EU COM 12 month review report): D 5.2 (Report stakeholder Workshop on SRA) -> resubmitted/delivered on
Deliverables 07/ /2014 MonthDeliverables etc. 1107/ /2013 Delivered: D 1.4 Send to the EU COM after Palermo: D 6.2 (set of Type B indicators for Evaluation) --> delivered on the Send to the EU COM after Palermo: D 6.3 (First Evaluation Report) --> resubmitted/delivered on the /2013 Delivered: D 1.5 (12 month report) 1410/ /2013 D 2.4 (First SRA)-> delivered/published 04/2014-> officially delivered on the Proposal for removal: D 6.5 First external Evaluation of the Project and the JPI-> Ongoing Amendment 1612/ / / /2014 D 1.6 (18 month interim report) -> delivered on the D 4.2 (report on Prioritization workshop)-> delivered on the / /2014
Deliverables 06/ /2015 MonthDeliverables etc. 2206/2014 D 4.3 (Proposal for administrative support structure and cost model for joint activities) D 5.3 (Report on the stakeholder Workshop on JPI Work Programme)-> explanation of Status Quo (not yet delivered) send to EU COM on / /2014 D 6.4 (Second evaluation report)-> delivered on /2014 D 1.7 (Activity and financial report to the EU COM)-> delivered (partly uncompleted) on the D 3.5 (Online Database)-> end of 10/2014-> delivered on the / /2014 D 4.4 (pilot joint activity report) D 5.4 (report EU Liaison Officer) 2812/2014 D 4.5 (Proposal for administrative implementation structures of JPI joint activities and their sustainable …) -> delivery together with D 4.6 possible (Tel. HJK on ) D 5.5 (report on final project conference) 2901/2015 D 4.6 (Proposal of the first work programme of future JPI Joint activities and sustainable funding) 3002/2015 D 1.8 (final activity and financial report to the COM) D 2.5 (updated and finalized SRA) D 3.6 (final comparative report) D 6.6 (Second External Evaluation of the project and the JPI)
Status of J-AGE I Financial Status VDI/VDE-IT Excel Sheets: costs & person months
Status of Work Packages and Workplan
Deliverables – WP1 Management DueRefTitleWP No. Leader 09/2014 delivered on the D1.7Activity and financial report to the COM 1VDI/VDE- IT 02/2015D1.8Final project report to COM1VDI/VDE- IT
Deliverables - WP2 SRA DueRefTitleWP No. Leader 02/2015D2.5First update and final version of the SRA 2ZonMw
Deliverables WP3 Mapping / Foresight DueRefTitleWP No. Leader 08/2014 delivered on the D3.5Online Database3VDI/VDE -IT 02/2015D3.6Final Comparative Report3VDI/VDE -IT
Deliverables WP 4 Design of Implementation DueRefTitleWP No.Leader 06/2014D4.3Proposal for administrative support structure and cost model for Joint Activities 4ISCIII 11/2014D4.4Pilot Joint Activity Report4ISCIII 12/2014D4.5Proposal for administrative implementation structures of JPI joint activities and their sustainability 4ISCIII 01/2015D4.6Proposal of the first work programme of future JPI joint activities and sustainable funding 4ISCIII
Deliverables WP 5 Dissemination DueRefTitleWP No.Leader 07/2014 Deliverables itself not yet delivered (just an explanaition for not delivering) D5.3Report Stakeholder Workshop on JPI Work Programme 5MoH 11/2014D5.4Report EU Liaison Office5MoH 12/2014D5.5Report on Final Project Conference5MoH
Deliverables WP 6 Evaluation DueRefTitleWP No.Leader 08/2014 delivered on the D6.4Second Evaluation Report6ESRC 11/2013 to be removed D6.5First External Evaluation of the Project and the JPI 6ESRC 02/2015D6.6Second External Evaluation of the Project and the JPI 6ESRC
7. Status Quo of JPI UEP (Understanding Employment Participation) Fast Track The GA is invited to: i.Give feedback on the current status of the fast-track project ii.Discuss the research needs of the fast-track project (see input paper), possibly feeding the content of the first call to the Pilot Common/Joint Activity
8. Results of Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the suggested governance amendments and get ready for the vote
9. Voting, respectively approval of the new Steering Committee (replacement of Troika system) The GA is invited to: i.election of candidates
10. Country Reports – News & Information from the Member States The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the respective information
11. Next Meetings The GA is invited to: i.Discuss the meetings and purposes
12. AOB