RASRS Report to Operating Committee March 22, 2015 Gene Henneberg, Chair Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
RASRS Scheme Reviews, July-Aug (9 Entities, 22schemes) 2 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL Northwestern Rimrock RAS removal was approved Salt River Project Mesquite RAS was reviewed and approved PG&E Fresno Reliability Transmission Project RAS replaces and combines the HTT-RAS to include two new substation. This scheme was approved. Monte Vista overload scheme retirement was approved AESO Shepard Energy Centre RAS was approved Another scheme was determined to be an Undervoltage Load Shedding (UVLS) Program, and therefore outside the scope of the RASRS
RASRS Scheme Reviews, July-Aug 3 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL BC Hydro Peace Area Load Shed RAS additional load shedding as part of this LAPS was approved, along with the action item from April 2013 Mica Generator Shedding RAS was approved. Mica Genshed RAS action item from April 2013 was approved MDN RAS Controller removal discussion satisfied the action item from November Revised Telecom between BPA and BC Hydro affects BPA’s AC and West Side RAS, and BC Hydro’s GMS, Mica, Revelstoke and South Interior East RAS. These modifications were approved. North Coast RAS, addition of Red Chris mine load shedding RAS to the Skeena controller approved. Presentations for satisfaction of three action items from the November 2014 meeting were also accepted.
RASRS Scheme Reviews, July-Aug 4 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL SCE Ivanpah Area RAS telecommunication modifications to include diversely routed circuits were accepted Whirlwind AA-Bank RAS modifications to the existing RAS were approved Inland empire RAS modification to arming logic discovered following a misoperation was approved, along with similar modifications to other RAS that use the same arming logic. Devers RAS modification to add a new generation station were approved Colorado River Corridor RAS modifications to add a new generation station were approved. LADWP Owens Valley RAS modifications related to the new Haskell Canyon switching station were approved, along with action items for the Owens Valley RAS identified at the April 2015 RASRS meeting.
RASRS Scheme Reviews, July-Aug 5 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL BPA PDCI RAS modifications to include several existing generation sites to the PDCI were approved Morrow Flats/Boardman was accepted as a LAPS Horn Butte RAS modifications were accepted with the scheme remaining a LAPS North of Fairmont Load Tripping RAS action item from July 2015 was accepted as complete Cowlitz River Generation Dropping RAS was accepted as a LAPS North of Hanford (Vantage) line trip Addition to the AC RAS was approved PacifiCorp Goshen RAS and Path 18 OMS LAPS information presentations for these schemes were reviewed with appropriate feedback provided
NERC RAS New Definition FERC issued a final order in November accepted the proposed new RAS defintion with no changes. Effective date is April 1, W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
New SPS Defintion The comment and voting period closed on January 8. Special Protection System (SPS), see Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) A transitional definition until all standards that uses SPS can be modified to RAS Approved 7 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
RAS Draft 2 Standard Voting Results The comment and voting period for the draft 2 and proposed Special Protection System (SPS) definition also closed on January 8. YES – 60+% (need 66.67%) Quorum achieved We need Draft 3! 8 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
NERC Proposed PRC The voting period for Draft 3 of the proposed new PRC closed on Friday, March 18 (results not know as this is written) Relatively minor changes from the proposed Draft 2, but with added clarifications and explanations. The drafting team has attempted to minimize changes to “old” (including “fill-in-the-blank”) requirements. 9 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
PRC Standard, Draft 3 11 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL Requirements R1, R2 and R3 are assigned to RAS owners and the Reliability Coordinator for review of proposed and modified RAS. The RC may also request other Entities to participate in the scheme reviews, e.g. PCs, Regions. Requirements R4, R5 are assigned to Planning Coordinators and RAS owners to periodically evaluate existing RAS and evaluate actual RAS operations. Limited impact RAS analogous to WECC LAPS
PRC Standard, Draft 3 12 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL If any scheme deficiencies are identified in R4, R5, or R8, then Requirements R6 and R7 assign the RAS owners to produce a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and to complete that CAP (as modified, if necessary) Requirement R8 assigns the RAS owners to perform functional testing of RAS for those RAS components that are not already covered by PRC Requirement R9 assigns the Reliability Coordinator to compile and update a RAS database.
Next RASRS Meeting April 12-13, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT (Typically) review about schemes from 7-10 members Role of Peak Reliability under the new PRC Other RASRS business 13 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee March 2016