Thank you 2013/14 Review
Membership is a challenge 978 members/fellows/affiliates etc members/fellows/affiliates etc % decline over 7 years *531 members/fellows/affiliates etc % decline over 8 years * Currently 46 (8.7%) members/fellows/affiliates etc still to complete 2014 subs – a real concern Need for change and to address this decline To meet this challenge committee has been restructured: IOH Scotland Business Management Team Lets have a quick look at membership decline up to 2014 and new strategy based on four Pillars to meet that decline and Scottish geographical and other Challenges: Challenges Ahead
2014 Membership Affiliate Students 22 Affiliates 4141 Associates 4646 Fellows 6969 Members Retained Members 88 Retired Associates 33 Retired Fellows 2929 Retired Members 4747 Total530 IOH Membership%YOY% decline Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul May %-2%
1. Membership 2. Educational Development EMS, HA, IOH Hospitality Education Industry Engagement with Strategic Educational Development Plan And College Ambassador Initiative 4.Collaborative Events /Local Partners Business Wise Briefings, Large Industry Debates on EU/Scot Gov Initiatives and other Industry Topics 3 per year with one large AGM and High Profile Dinner/Lunch/Speaker/Event Developing strategic package to Engage and bring in new members From Education, Hotel/Restaurants, students Foodservice 3. Communication and Social Media Linked in, Advertising, Twitter HQ support Engage with key Fellows Consumer support IOH Scotland Business Strategy HQ support Four Pillars Additional funding Self Funding
The following has been proposed: A local ambassador scheme A local business partner scheme A paid official similar to BHA Active Educational Development Initiative To meet those challenges
Activity Your Business Management Team has been involved in: Meetings with CEO on Scottish challenges 6/7 Business Management Meetings in Edinburgh 1 Branch Chair Meeting in Birmingham Seminars in Glasgow/Edinburgh & Skye FE / HE Student Quaich's Joint Event with CIPD BII joint Events BII Scotland SLTA Awards Board STA Tourism Week UK Government Dinner and meeting with Alistair Carmichael HIT Emerging Talent – Alumni partnership A Xmas meal..... in January – is there a requirement for something larger Meetings with Food & Drink Scotland Meetings with People First Scotland Meetings with BHA Meetings with FDF Scotland Meetings with FSA Scotland Food reformulation and obesity challenges in Scotland IOH Led Independence Referendum Debate NMS Scotland 18 September IOH Led with BHA and STA Beyond the Referendum Independence debate 20 th May GCU
Activity IoH Scotland is Representing you on: BHA Committee CIPD Scottish Tourism Alliance Scot Hot Steering Group Skills Development Scotland FSA SME Remit group on Reformulation Invited by various academic and public bodies for input
What are we thinking 20014/15 Membership challenges – a review? – If the IOH wasn’t in place how would you reinvent it? Fellows role in IoH in general and Scotland in particular Ambassador scheme Regional Seminars x 3 IOH Led Hospitality Educational Qualifications Review Apex Hotel Edinburgh 10 June SDS Funded Follow on workshops and possible new qualification package Scotland SDS Funded FDF Conference / seminar on Food Reformulation and Hospitality Industry Challenges A big event ! Educationally driven TBC Linked in Group HQ led CPD events Scothot Membership Drive Thinking about separation and what that would mean if it happens
Going forward What we need from you the members More active team member to join the Business Management Team Spreading the word Supporting events Ongoing feedback & ideas
What do you want from IOH Scotland? Q&A