>> EU-ISRAEL TWINNING PROJECT Activity D.3 Design of web-based survey and questionnaire (CAWI) Jerusalem, 29 April – 1 May 2014
>> Mandatory result etc. Mandatory result One questionnaire designed for the web by the end of 6th project quarter (end of 2014) Expected output of D3 Mission report with recommendations on Improving response rate in web-based surveys How to improve web-questionnaire 2
>> Conclusions and recommendations (1) Organisational issues Project on web-questionnaires for business surveys to be initiated through management decision Management decision must be based on key managers’ joint recommendation Management does the prioritizing and monitors the project’s progress continuously Cross-cutting project organization should be established Project manager, independent of the “general” organization and referring directly to top-management, and responsible for communication between different teams Questionnaire designers’ specific qualifications are crucial for the project to succeed 3
>> Conclusions and recommendations (2) Development of the questionnaires Choose a simple (short) survey to start with as the as a pilot The choice should also be based on considerations on the respondents’ IT readiness, and it should not be a too small survey (number of respondents) Keep it simple to start with – not too many functionalities, beware of the risk of having too many checks, sums etc. Consider soft and hard validations – soft validations are be preferable, especially in the beginning – because the focus must be on the user-friendliness Test is important at all stages and levels: design, developer, end-user (enterprises), accept, general management level (project manager) 4
>> Conclusions and recommendations (3) Other considerations (response burden and quality) Important with only a few (as possible) clicks (for the end-user) to get the answering process started Instructions - only most relevant information directly on the screen, other definitions etc. upon clicks The strongest data up-front (high quality data first) – the sequencing of the questionnaire’s questions should reflect what the respondents consider most relevant and important Use simple graphics to support the communication (bold, italic etc.) Vertical scrolling is ok 5