Commercial Services Repurposing multi-mission ground network infrastructure for emerging, new space applications. Tom Pirrone & Erik Eliasen 32nd Space Symposium, Technical Track, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America Presented on April 12,
PRIORANET – est World’s first all altitude commercial ground network 2
3 Exceptional coverage for LEO satellites
4 Diversity of orbit inclinations and altitudes routinely supported
5 Based on a very capable and flexible ground station architecture
6 With centralized control to enable simple and efficient access to global antennas Northern Sweden and Eastern United States Anywhere in the world
7 A broad base of subscribers …
Long duration access in high elevation 8
Geostationary transfer orbit - LEOP 9 Provided coverage for more than 200 launches
10 New subscribers can help reduce costs Change from a posture of risk-avoidance to one of cost avoidance Meetings COST MONEY ! Testing AND RETESTING COSTS MONEY ! Documentation COSTS MONEY ! Critical questions: Do we really need multiple compatibility tests ? Is one enough? Can we ultimately eliminate them altogether? Does every project need so many reviews “Design Reviews (PDR/CDR/FDR)? Can they be replaced by more frequent, specific subject techncial interchanges by phone or video conference? Can we reduce the documentation that is required for each mission? Do we really need all of theses -- Mission Design Documents, Mission Operations Concepts, Interface Control Documents, Testing plans and results documentation?
11 Standards can help reduce costs Example -- VULCAN WIRELESS, INC. CUBESAT FORMAT RADIO Example -- INNOFLIGHT CUBESAT FORMAT RADIO Is it possible to standardize some space-based configurations so the ground services provider can reduce preparation costs? Custom work is always possible, but there is a cost. Standardization of hardware and configurations could provide great cost benefits.
12 Scalability Resiliency & low latency Automation & standardization Small apertures Cloud solutions Large volumes New business models SSC is reducing costs through expansion and self- disruption SSC’s Universal Space Network locations
13 CONSTELLATION -- SINGLE PLANE 25 SATELLITES 500 Satellites Polar Orbit: 1200Km Orbits per day: 10 Sats per launch: 25 Orbital planes: 20 Launch once per month 60 days to reach orbit Contacts needed: LEOP: once per orbit Operational: twice per day
14 One example --- Service provider relevance to a constellation 500 Satellites Polar Orbit: 1200Km Orbits per day: 10 Sats per launch: 25 Orbital planes: 20 Launch once per month 60 days to reach orbit Contacts needed: LEOP: once per orbit Operational: twice per day
WE HELP EARTH BENEFIT FROM SPACE! Thank you for listening. Come visit SSC at booth #647