Gravity in Space
Learning Objectives: All pupils must: Recall that the strength of gravity is decreases with increasing distance Recall that planets and satellites are kept in their orbits by gravity Most pupils should know: Investigate the relationship between gravity and the characteristics of a planet’s motion Explain in simple terms the effects of gravity on bodies in space Describe different types of orbit and how they are suited to different purposes Some pupils could know: Explain some of the effects of gravity in more detail Explain why candle flames are different in space
Starter: True or False 1The further a planet is from the Sun, the stronger the force of gravity between it and the Sun. 2The further a planet is from the Sun, the longer it takes to complete one orbit. 3The further a planet is from the Sun, the faster it moves I n its orbit. 4The further a planet is from the Sun, the longer it takes to spin on its axis. 5The bigger the planet, the more moons it has. 6Smaller moons orbit their planets faster than larger ones. 7Bigger planets spin faster than smaller ones. 8The bigger the mass of a planet, the stronger the gravity on its surface. 9The speed of a planet (or moon) in its orbit is inversely proportional to its mass. 10The length of a year of a planet is proportional to its distance from the Sun.
Moons What keeps the Moon orbiting around the Earth? On which planet is the force of gravity from the Sun the weakest? Why does the Moon go around the Earth?
These are Jupiter’s Moons How will things be different on each one?
Satellites around the Earth Satellites go around objects using gravity Natural satellites are moons Artificial satellites are put there by us for TV and other uses.
Candles are different in space Why could this be?
Plenary What extra information, boxes and arrows could you add to this concept map?