Mrs. Fox Precalculus Room 411 There is no sign in sheet – just sit back and enjoy the presentation!
This is my 14 th year teaching, all at Los Al Third year teaching Precalculus and fifth with Calculus BC Common Core Teacher on Special Assignment I love math and I love working here! The students are awesome and so is the support we get from YOU! My Family
Precalculus is a tough subject – it is finally putting all together all that math we have previously learned! Homework is so important to stay on top of! Students are responsible for checking the odds at home We have time in class to ask questions – especially from our peers (the best way to learn!) We learn new material almost every day The PowerPoints are all posted!
Grade Breakdown Tests: 80% Homework: 10% - based on completeness Other: 10% - quizzes, notes, projects Allowed (if student has done 80% of homework overall) to drop one low test score Grades on a scale
A “can-do” attitude Good work ethic, good study habits The knowledge that this course is based on the integrity and respect for our tests and work I will not tolerate cheating in any form! Supplies: Spiral notebook for notes Any kind of paper for homework Graphing Calculator AND Scientific Calculator
I utilize the teacher webpage at the school’s website What is posted there Full management plan Test and Quiz dates – we will stick closely to the schedule! Assignments listed by chapter PowerPoints of all our lessons
I am here most afternoons Students can attend Griffin Lab after school in the Media Center Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Scheduled Math Support Monday and Friday mornings: 7:15-7:45 with Mr. Barker in room 409 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons: 2:45-3:45 with Mrs. Bright in room 351
This is a class of VERY bright students and I will be expecting nothing but the best from them Please (best option) or call if you have any questions or concerns Consider a small “Helping Hand” classroom supply donation On the back window are options Thank you for entrusting us with your kids – I will strive to be the best for them!
Thank you for coming!