Every student College, Career and Life Ready
K Readiness (birth to 6) College and Career Ready in Boone County Literacy/Numeracy at grade level – RTI (K – 3) Content literacy/number operations/fluency College Readiness Standards (CRS) 13 – 15 (4 – 5), 75%+ percentile on nationally norm-referenced assessments Advanced literacy and numeracy, CRS 16 – 19, 78%+ percentile on nationally norm-referenced assessments, Algebra I (8) English, Math, Reading and Science CRS 20+ (9 – 12) EOC Biology(9/10), Chemistry (11), EOC US History (11) Algebra II (9/10), Geometry (9/10), Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus (11, 12) EOC English I – IV (9 – 12) EOC Score of 3 or higher on AP exams 24 or higher on ACT
What should our students learn? Achieving College Readiness Standards through the Academic Core Standards How should we teach them? Developing 21st Century Skills through Marzano's 41 Strategies How do we know if students are learning? Demonstrating Learning through a Balanced Assessment System What do we do if they have learned/ have not learned? Engaging in Extension/ Intervention Based on Individual Needs
Kentucky Core Academic Standards English/Language Arts Math Kentucky Program of Studies Social Studies Science Practical Living Career Studies Arts and Humanities Next Generation Science Standards Beginning 2014
By developing 21st Century Skills for an effective school to life transition.
Student Centered Classrooms
NOT Teacher Centered Classrooms
Their future…NOT our past.
Demonstrating Learning through a Balanced Assessment System
FormativeBenchmarkSummative Students and teachers Using evidence of learning To adapt teaching and learning To meet immediate learning needs Minute-to-minute and day-by-day Diagnoses student level and/or monitors progress Periodic Multiple points of data Identifies strengths and gaps in instruction Can adapt teaching and learning Can meet longer term learning needs Monitors mastery level Is an assessment of learning Understanding of trends over time Provides large scale opportunities for revising instructional practices Majority of end users are teachers and schools
Engaging in Extension/ Intervention Based on Individual Needs
Reading (K-5) Math (2-5) Intervene early Strategically match interventions to students needs A collaborative or problem-solving approach by school staff for the interventions. High quality, research-based instruction in general education Use of data to shape instruction and make decisions (Advisory Team Meetings)
“School is the only place in life where we arbitrarily divide people according to their date of birth. Age is an indicator of age, only! It does not indicate maturity, physical prowess, readiness for any task, verbal skill, reasoning skill, memory, experience, or any other indicator of readiness for learning. We must find out where students are, what their needs are, and deliver the curriculum where they are.” Jan Lanham
M/W/F-English Language Arts T/Th-Math 45 minutes of concentrated study in the student’s needed area of improvement or enrichment. Cluster grouped based on performance and data.
Volunteer—be connected to the school Have a positive working relationship with the teacher Be “present” during homework time Be your child’s biggest cheerleader Stay attuned to developments in public education. What is the Common Core? Does Kentucky plan to have charter schools? How is my child’s school performing in mathematics?
We will make sure every student is College, Career and Life Ready.