Bienvenidos “In any war, you put your back to mine, I put my back to yours and lets do what we gotta do.” -Ray Lewis
Game Plan Logistics – 9 weeks exam (bad news, we have to do it next week) Kickoff – Tissues Introduction to integumentary system
Schedule Today Review tissues, start integumentary system Thursday 1 st block- ½ review, ½ integumentary system 2 nd block- all review Monday 1 st block- all review 2 nd block- 30 mins review; 1.5 hours for exam Wednesday 1 st block- 30 mins review; 1.5 hours for exam 2 nd block- integumentary system
9 Weeks Exam 70% New Stuff; 30% Unit One Stuff New (Unit 2) Stuff Basic Chemistry Stuff, Enzymes, Membrane Transport, Cell Organelles, Tissues (reviewed today) Old (Unit 1) Stuff Anatomical direction, anatomical movement, levels of organization, homeostasis, organ systems
Game Plan Kickoff – Tissues (10 minutes) Introduction to Integumentary System (20-30 minutes) Review of tissues (30-40 minutes) Application – cats and microscope slides
Kickoff What are the shapes of the following cells? SquamousCuboidalColumnar How many layers do the following tissue classifications have? SimpleStratified
Introduction to Integumentary System
Definitions Epi- upon, on top of Hypo- under Derm- skin Serous membrane- membranes that line the body cavities Mucous membrane- membranes that open to the outside of the body Synovial membrane- membranes in our joints
Parts of the integumentary system 1.Skin 2.Body membranes 3.Hair 4.Nails
Body membranes Functions: 1.Cover body surfaces 2.Line body cavities 3.Form protective sheets around organs
Types of body membranes Epithelial membranes 1.Cutaneous membranes 2.Mucous membranes 3.Serous membranes
Types of body membranes Connective tissue membranes 1.Synovial membranes
Cutaneous Membrane Cutaneous membrane is another word for skin Dry membrane Dry membraneFunctions: 1. Act as protective covering Protects from… Protects from… Mechanical damage (bumps) Mechanical damage (bumps) Chemical damage (acids and bases) Chemical damage (acids and bases) Bacterial damage Bacterial damage UV radiation UV radiation Thermal damage Thermal damage Desiccation (drying out) Desiccation (drying out)
Cutaneous Membrane Functions cont. 2. Regulate body temperature 3. Prevent water loss 4. House sensory receptors Send signals to your brain about what you can feel Send signals to your brain about what you can feel 5. Synthesize various biochemicals Like vitamin D Like vitamin D
3 Layer of Cutaneous Membrane Epidermis: Structure: Top layer; stratified squamous tissue Function: protection Dermis: Structure: Middle layer, largest layer. Hair, sweat glands, nails, oil glands. Hypodermis Structure: Bottom layer. Loose connective and adipose tissue. Function: Insulation, houses major blood vessels.
Halftime Fun Fact: Bats ALWAYS turn left when exiting a cave
Skin Structure Figure 4.3
Small Pox Chicken Pox
Skin Cancer Skin Graft
Severity of Burns First-degree burns Only epidermis is damaged Skin is red and swollen Second-degree burns Epidermis and upper dermis are damaged Skin is red with blisters Third-degree burns Destroys entire skin layer Burn is gray-white or black
Severity of Burns Figure 4.11b
Critical Burns Burns are considered critical if Over 25% of body has second-degree burns Over 10% of the body has third-degree burns There are third-degree burns of the face, hands, or feet
Mucous Membranes Structure: Line all body cavities that open to the exterior body surface Nasal, oral, digestive, urinary, reproductive Function: Lubricate, trap and prevent the entry of objects **Often adapted for absorption or secretion
Mucous Membranes Figure 4.1b
Serous Membranes Structure: lines body cavities that are not open to the surface Surface- simple squamous epithelium Underlying- areolar connective tissue Thorax and abdomen Function: keep things in place, lubricate
Serous Membranes Figure 4.1d
Synovial Membranes Structure: Inner lining of joints; connective tissue only Function: Secretes a lubricating fluid
Synovial (Connective Tissue) Membrane Figure 4.2