HS111 Medical Terminology Final Seminar October 19 th – October 25 th, 2011
1. Complete Reading – Ch. 16 (aka. THE END!) 2. Participate in Discussion – working in an endocrinologist office 3. Participate in Seminar – Opt. 1 or Opt Take Quiz 5. No project due (I’ll be grading the Unit 8 Projects over the weekend)
Chapter 16
Regulates body activities through the use of chemical messengers called hormones Hormones, when released in the bloodstream, influence metabolic activities, growth, and development Hormones secreted by the endocrine glands (which make up the Endocrine System) go right into the bloodstream and travel throughout the entire body = these are called ductless glands Exocrine or duct glands – have ducts that carry their secretions from the producing gland to other parts of the body Major endocrine glands & organs – Pituitary gland, Thymus gland, Ovaries & Testes, Pancreas, Adrenal gland, Thyroid gland (parathyroid)
Aden/o gland Adren/o, adrenal/o.....adrenal glands Cortic/o cortex Endocrin/o endocrine Parathyroid/o......parathyroid glands Pituitar/o pituitary gland Thyroid/o, thyr/o thyroid gland
Acr/o.....extremities, height Calc/i calcium Dips/o thirst Kal/i potassium Natr/o sodium Suffix: -drome run, running
Please breakdown the following terms and define: 1. Hypothyroidism 2. Hyperglycemia 3. Adenectomy
Adren/o/megaly – enlargement of the adrenal glands Hypo/natr/emia – deficient sodium in blood Hyper/thyroid/ism – state of excessive thyroid gland activity Hypo/glyc/emia – deficient sugar in blood (in diabetics) Hypo/thyroid/ism – state of deficient thyroid gland activity Parathyroid/oma – tumor of parathyroid gland
Gigantism – condition brought about by overproduction of growth hormone by pituitary gland before puberty Goiter – enlargement of thyroid gland Diabetes mellitus – chronic disease involving a disorder of CHO metabolism caused by under-activity of islets of Langerhans and high blood sugar
Aden/ectomy – excision of a gland Thyroid/o/tomy – incision of the thyroid gland Fasting blood sugar – blood test performed after patient has been fasting for 8-10 hrs to determine BG levels Thyroid-stimulating hormone level – test to determine hyperthyroidism
Endocrinologist – MD who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine (system) Euthyroid – resembling a normal thyroid gland Polydipsia – abnormal state of being thirsty Hormone – chemical substance secreted by an endocrine gland that is carried in the blood to a target tissue Metabolism – sum total of all the chemical processes that take place in a living organism Abbreviations on p.761