Unit 5: Dynamic Signs and Tempo Marks Music Theory 1 Unit 5: Dynamic Signs and Tempo Marks
Dynamic Signs Imagine music that has no contrast What would that sound like? It would probably be like staring at a painting like this: OR THIS………..
Dynamic Signs
Dynamic Signs These paintings are nice and probably required a lot of work yet something is missing…… The missing element is CONTRAST! Contrast adds variety and grabs the listener’s attention!
Dynamic Signs One of the ways composers add variety to their music is through the use of Dynamics. Dynamics refer to how loud or soft music is sung or played and also deals with the level of intensity by which it is played. The terms used are mostly in Italian because it was Italian composers who first started using terms to describe dynamics in their music.
Dynamics Signs Quick Italian Lesson!! Piano= Soft Forte= Loud Mezzo= Moderately issimo= Very Here are some of the most common dynamic signs:
Dynamic Signs
Dynamic Signs The two main symbols to indicate gradual changes in dynamics are: CRESCENDO & DECRECENDO
Tempo Marks Another way composers add contrast to music is by changing the tempo!! Tempo is an Italian word meaning “rate of speed” Tempo marks tell us how fast or slow the music should be played and like dynamics are also written in Italian.
Tempo Marks
Tempo Marks Here is a famous example of Largo Antonín Dvořák - New World Symphony Op. 95 - Largo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4DLatly4tg Here is moderato Moderato op.35 Nr. 17 (Fernando Sor) - Classical Guitar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CZl7tQke90
Tempo Marks Here is Allegro/ Vivace Shostakovich Festive Overture Op 96 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gDZTah8J2A
Tempo Marks
Tempo Marks Here is an example of Ritardando https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmDGntpZC3I Here is an example of Accelerando https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lOC4fD28sw
Articulation Another way that composers add contrast or variety to music is through the use of ARTICULATION!!! Articulation refers to the manner in which a note is performed Without this aspect music would sound a bit monotone and way too mushy and blended together. Think of articulation like the diction needed for song lyrics. The following are some of the basic forms of articulation
D.C., D.S., Coda and Fine