Art Therapy: Healing Psychological Needs and Conflicts of Flood Affected Children Ms. Sidra Liaquat President Multan Psychological Association & Lecturer Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan
Introduction Traumatic memories have a great impact on life style especially in Children. It creates a sense of fear, distress, conflicts, hopelessness, lack of emotional stability, and poor academic performance. This research was done During Sep-Dec2011, after one year of flood 2010
Introduction Flood in July-August 2010 hit the areas of south Punjab and created a great loose of life. Children are particularly vulnerable to disaster trauma, and this manifests in a variety of complex psychological and behavioral deficits like anger, depression, disruptive behavior, self esteem, anxiety and long life negative impact.
Art Therapy Art therapy is a way to help people Express buried emotions Cope with grief Cope with fear, anxiety and depression Achieve a sense of freedom and self confidence
Psychological Needs (Marray, 1965) (Pervez & Bokhari, 1979) Abasement is refer to accept blame, fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation. Achievement feeling accomplishment Affiliation feeling to enjoy, affection, royal to a friend Aggression to attack injure or kill another Autonomy to get free, domineering authorities Counter-action to master or make up failure, repress fear, maintain self esteem Dependence to defend self against assault, blame Deference to admire or support superior, to praise Dominance to control one’s human environment influence direct behavior Exhibition to make an impression, desire to be seen and heard
Psychological Needs (Marray, 1965) (Pervez & Bokhari, 1979) Harm avoidance to avoid pain, physical injury, death Order to put things in order to achieve cleanliness Rejection to separate on self from a negatively inferior object Play to act for fun without purpose to like to laugh, to make jokes, enjoyable relaxation Sex desire to an erotic relationship Nurturance to give sympathy, need of a helpless, infant, lonely, defected or mentally confused Succorance to have one’s need satisfied, supported, loved, forgiven Understanding to ask or answer general questions
Literature Review Clinical studies have found that arts engagement promotes relaxation and mental health by reducing patient stress, anxiety and depression (Staricoff R, 2004). For people experiencing mental health issues, arts programmes increase confidence, self-esteem and self-understanding (Parr H., 2006). In the general population, arts engagement improves psychological well-being and life satisfaction.(Australia Council for the Arts, 2010).
Literature Review Read-Johnson (1987) noted that all creative arts therapies provide a unique opportunity for traumatized individuals to express emotions related to the event non-verbally. One of the essential first steps of general trauma treatment, according to Artistic processing may allow an individual to revisit thoughts and feelings directly or indirectly to the trauma survivors
Objective of the Study This study focused on; to address psychological needs and conflicts of flood affected children to see effectiveness of Art Therapy for the remediation of their conflicts.
Hypothesis Art therapy will significantly affect of flood affected children Gender will vary among psychological needs
Method Procedure Research conduction and data collection Analysis and discussion Instrument Children Apperception Test (Seema, 1978) was administered 10 cards Participants conveniently selected sample of 40 children from Kotaddu, District Muzaffargarh exposed to flood in 2010
Procedure conveniently selected sample of 40 children directly exposed to flood in Kotaddu, District Muzafargarh completed the questionnaire They were informed about the purpose of study and were instructed Pre and Post testing was done on CAT Art therapy consisted of 16, 90minute weekly sessions, in a group of four children, conducted by one therapist at the spot Within Art therapy sessions drawings, free drawing, individual session & group Art sessions were conducted to self expressions
Art Therapy Management Plan Phase-I Drawings, free drawing, (Paint your emotions) Phase-II individual session paint your own feeling regarding flood (as direct flooding ) Phase-III group Art sessions (group activity for )
Results Interpretation of the 10 stories identified that children reported the significant psychological needs and conflicts Descriptive Themes Interpretive Themes Diagnostic Themes Cards descriptions with figures Playing, relationship, mothers, etc Main hero, Main needs, Concept of Environment Parents as Nurturant= mother Rejecting =Fathers Superego = Appropriate Integration of Ego= Realistic & Happy
Identified Psychological Needs among Children Psychological Needs Percentage 40 kids Male 20 children Female 20 Children Affiliation 80% 75% physical harm 75%70%65% loss of family 78%85%90% illness or injury 65%60%55% Deprivation 70% 65% Dependence 40%75%80%
Gender Differences
Post Test After Utilizing the different techniques of Art therapy including drawing, paintings, music, children’s conflicts were treated.
Result Psychological Needs Pre TreatmentPost Treatment MSDM Affiliation physical harm loss of family illness or injury Deprivation Dependence
conclusion The findings pertaining to intervention, Art therapy was found effective in handling the psychological conflicts of children. This research suggests that art therapy should be practiced with children to deal with their conflicts.
Implication of the Study Results imply that therapies like Art therapy must be part of long term flood management programs. Still more psychological intervention/Support is needed in Flood affected areas
Limitations & Suggestions. Certain limitations should be taken into account to interpret the findings of this study. it’s a reliable inventory but still there is no up gradation is available There is a need to quantitative method and longitudinal method of data collection to get in-depth knowledge to enhance the external validity of the study. Future research should focus on other variables like parenting, Rehabilitation methodology and personality Other therapies like Art Therapy and Play Therapy should apply.
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