Whole School Art Exhibition We have been involved in a Whole School Art exhibition based on a National project called ‘Ten Pieces’. For the project the children listened to a piece of music and responded to it in creative ways. Their ideas were then used as the starting point for some wonderful art work. Take a look at what our amazing Lift Off Phase children have created!
Our Nursery children worked with an artist who came in to help the children use different tools and techniques to create their masterpiece. We were very lucky that the artist we worked with was one of our children’s parents.
Everyone got involved and enjoyed being creative together. After the children had painted and printed their canvas they then added to it with different collage materials.
Look at the amazing canvas the morning Nursery created
Afternoon Nursery also worked alongside the artist and with each other to create their amazing canvas. They started by painting and printing.
Then they added different paint effects and collage materials to make the canvas exciting. It really came to life when they added the finishing touches.
Look at the amazing canvas the afternoon Nursery created
Both Reception classes listened to their music and created some wonderful paintings which they used as their starting point to create a collaborative sculpture
The sculpture began to take shape and the children then added paint and other materials to bring it to life
Look at all the beautiful work on display
Thank you slide WOW!
Year 1 listened carefully to the music as they were painting and thought about what the music made them feel like and think about
Year 1 took ideas and shapes from their paintings and used them as the starting point for their class creations. Puffins Class Robins Class