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M OFIJUR R AHMAN Lecturer in English B.A(Hons),M.A in English Shaildah Bakpur Senior Madrasah,Chitalmari,Bage rhat Phone : -
Subject-English 2 nd paper (Grammar)
-define the degree. -classify the degree. -identify the main features. -recognize the extended features. -compare among all, very few and between two. -apply in our real life. Outcome At the end you will be able to
D EFINITION OF D EGREE Degree is the comparison of adjective among all or very few or between two persons or things.
As/so positive as Comparative than The superlative Kinds of Degree
As/so positive asComparative thanThe superlative goodbetterbest badworseworst youngyoungeryoungest talltallertallest largelargerlargest smallsmallersmallest thinthinnerthinnest prettyprettierprettiest beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful Transformation of Degree
As/so positive asComparative thanThe superlative handsomemore handsomemost handsome brightbrighterbrightest oldelder/olderoldest newnewernewest thickthickerthickest uglyuglierugliest Degree
most beautiful tallestprettiest more beautiful taller prettier beautiful tall pretty
Extended features: (A) Comparison among all Superlative- one of (without) Comparative- any other Positive- No other
T HE SUPERLATIVE It is the most beautiful scenery in the field. most beautiful tallest Ushakiron is the tallest building in the city prettiest My car is the prettiest of all other cars.
C OMPARATIVE THAN It is more beautiful than any other scenery in the field. Usakiron is taller than any other building in the city My car is prettier than any other car/ all other cars.
A S /S O P OSITIVE AS No other scenery in the field is so beautiful as it. No other building in the city is so tall as Usakiran. No other car is so pretty as my car.
Extended features: (B) Comparison among very few Superlative- one of Comparative- most other Positive- Very few
E XAMPLES -( AMONG VERY FEW ) Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of the best poets in the world. Salam is one of the oldest men in our village. Saon is one of the youngest boys of his class. Superlative -(among very few)
E XAMPLES -( AMONG VERY FEW ) Comparative-(among very few) Kazi Nazrul Islam is better than most other poets in the world. Salam is older than most other men in our village. Saon is younger than most other boys of his class.
E XAMPLES -( AMONG VERY FEW ) Very few poets in the world are as good as Kazi Nazrul Islam. Very few men in our village are as old as Salam. Very few boys of his class are as young as Saon. Positive- (among very few)
. Rani is smaller than Poly. Hari was not more handsome than Bari Comparison –(between two groups/members) Comparative
C OMPARISON –( BETWEEN TWO GROUPS / MEMBERS ) Poly is not so small as Rani. Bari was as handsome as Hari. Positive
Evaluation Single work
M ARKS :10 T IME :10 MINUTES What types of degree do you find? What are the main features of different types of degree? Which extended features do you see to compare among all? Which extended features do you see to compare among very few? Which extended features do you see to compare between two?
A NSWERS TO THE Q UESTIONS : (a) Three types of degree (b) As/So….as → positive than → comparative the → superlative (c) One of ( without)→superlative Any other → comparative No other → positive
A NSWERS TO THE Q UESTIONS (d) One of →superlative most other → comparative Very few → positive (e) No extended feature
Group work Marks-5 (Every Group) Time-10minutes Answer the following questions:-
G ROUP -A What is the superlative degree of young? What is the comparative degree of old ? What is the positive degree of smallest? What is the superlative degree of beautiful? What is the comparative degree of pretty?
What is the positive degree of largest? What is the superlative degree of good? What is the comparative degree of ugly? What is the positive degree of taller? What is the superlative degree of big? Group-B
A NSWERS : G ROUP -A Youngest Older/elder Small Most beautiful prettier
A NSWERS : G ROUP -B large best uglier tall biggest
Home work Joy is the prettiest member of his family (make it comparative & positive) Mitu is one of the tallest girls (make it comparative & positive) He is as short as she (make it comparative) No other city is so big as it.(make it superlative & comparative) Very few scholars of the world are as intelligent as he. (make it superlative & comparative)
Ok, Set for the next time. No more.