ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO SANT’ANTIOCO - CALASETTA Welcomes you in this great adventure!
We are happy partners for the project
We live in a town called Sant’Antioco
We are from Italy
In Sardinia
ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO SANT’ANTIOCO - CALASETTA Middle School ‘A. Mannai ’ SANT’ANTIOCO Primary School Calasetta Middle School ‘E. Fermi Calasetta Middle School ‘E. Fermi SANT’ANTIOCO has got 4 buildings
Here’s our school: ‘A. Mannai’ The main entrance, where we like to stay before the beginning of the lessons
Let’s go inside … And have a look
The Music Room Here we composed and played the music for the video
The computer room
The library Gianluca enjoys reading.
The language lab
We put up a Comenius Corner
On it we write everething about the project A big map shows all the countries envolved in the project
Our school is very colourful! Along the corridors you can see beautiful paintings This one is about a legend from our town
The school day Lessons start at 8.15 Lessons finish at 2.40 pm But on Tuesdays and Fridays we go out at 4.25 We go to school from Monday to Saturday!!!
School subjects We study: Italian Geography History Maths Science English French Technological Education Music Religion Art
In the classroom Alessandro, stop talking and listen to the lesson!
Isa is very interested in the lesson
We would like to thank The LLP Programme All the teachers for permitting us to be here! THE END S E E Y O U I N S A N T ’ A N T I O C O