Plc and culturally responsive teaching strategies Human relations and learning in the multicultural environment Angela brewer Dr. Gladys Evans May 19, 2014
Overview of culture The Hispanic culture prides itself on Family togetherness, Respecting adults, Interpersonal relationships And Traditional gender roles The Hispanic culture seems to be losing some of this because of the following: Acculturation Not exposed to or separated from native culture and Taking on attitudes and behaviors of dominant culture and ethnic identification The results have caused family tension and depression in Hispanic girls because of the encouragement of role reversal in American society Enculturation When a culture maintains own cultures values, practices and ethnic identification while adapting to new culture Both processes can occur at the same time but tend to conflict with Hispanic values thus causing family dissention
History of culture Hispanic parents perceived as not being involved in their child's education Adapting to the English language is a struggle Hispanic boys placed more in special education courses than other cultures and dropout of school most often Hispanics have high respect for teachers and will not approach a teacher about what is happening in class
Educational consideration American struggle in educating Hispanic students focus is on Americanizing them having them conform to American dress, values and customs teachers are not properly prepared for Spanish speaking students Biggest struggle for Hispanics is reading and comprehending English language Schools are incorporating print rich learning environments Incorporating more of the Spanish language and customs in curriculum
Inclusionary practices Coaching strategy having student mentors to help Hispanic students be successful Additive approach students taught in both their native tongue and English Visual aides teachers create pictures with both English and Spanish word to increase literacy among Hispanic students Bilingual teachers teachers who fluently speak Spanish and English this provides a go to person for Hispanic students
Parent/community involvement Creating open door policy allows Spanish speaking parents to come into class and share part of their culture Teaching parents how to communicate with teachers sharing with parents the chain of command and encouraging their involvement Parents forming community groups this provides a support system for Hispanic parents to discover ways to be more involved in the learning process Family developmental specialists address the well being of families and assist teachers in translating in the classroom