Elder Abuse How to identify, When to report, and How to prevent
Forms of Abuse in Elderly Physical Sexual Emotional Neglect Abandonment Financial
Elder Abuse Learning objectives I. Describe Elder Abuse. II. Describe actions that can be considered Elder Abuse. III. List signs and symptoms that you should look for if you suspect Elder abuse. IV. What should you do about Elder Abuse? V. How and where to report Elder Abuse.
Forms of abuse in elderly 1. Abuse can be physical, sexual,emotional. Abuse happens in many forms from hitting,smacking, fondling, to name calling and can be also limited to hollering, or forcing patient to things against their will. 2. Neglect or abandonment. Neglect also known as form of abuse is when caregivers fail to provide hygiene, leave patients lying soiled in their own feces, failure to provide adequate nutrition or just failure to care for someone who is solely dependent on individual for their care. Financial abuse stealing money or personal belongings. Forging signatures Steal credit cards or banking information.
Forms of Abuse 4. Emotional abuse Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased. 5. Neglect Withholding of proper care: the act of failing to give proper care or attention to somebody or something. 6. Abandonment To leave somebody or something behind for others to look after, especially somebody or something meant to be a personal responsibility.
What happens when you make a report on Elder Abuse If you make a report of elder abuse your name does not have to indentified it can be done anonymously. A representative from the Area on aging will then contact the person suspected of being abused either by phone call or visit. If it is discovered that abuse has become obvious steps will be taken to protect the victim, end the abuse,and prevent ant further abuse from occurring. Temporary shelter may be offered if there are signs of physical danger to the victim. Other services are offered dependent on the needs of that particular individual.
Who is responsible Everyone who comes in contact or cares for an individual is responsible for reporting abuse if they suspect that it is occurring or has occurred. It is required by LAW.
Where and how do you report Elder Abuse? All reports should be reported to your local Area on Aging or call the Pennsylvania Department of Aging Elder Abuse hotline at , you can call 24hours a day 7 days a week. Allegheny County ……… Westmoreland County………… Beaver County………. (724) Butler County……… Washington County………(888)
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