Head Coach Phommachack’s Contact Information: Assistant Coach Brooks’ Contact Information: CLICK HERE: ACHS GIRLS TENNIS PAGE
Celly Information Join via SMS by to 23559
Spring Sport Parent Meeting: RE-SCHEDULED Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30PM at ACHS First Day of Practice (NOT REQUIRED DUE TO SPRING BREAK) Wednesday, March 16 Practice-TBD Wed-Fri. this week depending on weather. (Celly messages will be communicated.) First Day of MANDATORY Practice: Monday, March 21 from 4-5:30 PM (ALL GIRLS)
All Personal Information Does Coach Phommachack have all YOUR information? If NOT, please her your information! First and Last Name Grade Your Cell Phone Number Emergency Phone Number Address
FORMS Do you have a physical? Is it updated? CLICK HERE FOR PHYSICAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL FORM Do you have your concussion form filled out and signed? CLICK HERE FOR CONCUSSION INFORMATION CONCUSSION FORM
ACHS GIRLS TENNIS HANDBOOK This is located on the girls tennis site under the Overview page Read through the entire handbook- it is very important CLICK HERE FOR ACHS GIRLS TENNIS HANDBOOK
Uniforms Coach Phommachack will send out a celly message for you to come and try on uniforms. It should be early next week (Feb. 8 and 9.) Celly: if you have not signed up- please look at the third slide for instructions to sign up) Dates for Uniforms Date the Site OPENS: Wednesday, February 10 Date the Site CLOSES: Friday, February 26 TO ORDER CLICK HERE
ADIDAS Women’s Size Chart This might not be perfect to size, but it will most likely be close:
Except it will say Tennis instead of Baseball and a tennis ball in the background instead of a baseball