Quality and Effectiveness Framework for post-16 learning Edwyn Williams Head of Performance Improvement South-West & Mid Wales Area Team
Context the Skills that Work for Wales strategy the recommendations of the Webb Review DCELLS’ School Effectiveness Framework
Overview Scope: further education, work-based learning and community learning; will build on progress to date (eventually replacing provider performance review); lighter touch for most effective providers; closer DCELLS involvement with under- performing providers; reward excellence and disseminate best practice; and reducing bureaucracy.
Key elements definition of a small number of core indicators (including success rates, learner satisfaction, employer engagement, financial health); refined approach to quality assurance taking account of providers’ starting point and incorporating peer review and benchmarking; a co-ordinated approach to professional development for practitioners, leaders and managers;
Key elements structured arrangements for sharing good practice and supporting improvement; and a new recognising and rewarding excellence programme.
Summary of issues for the FE sector general support for the key elements outlined and for the intention to build on PPR opportunity to build in self-regulation, peer review and benchmarking need joined-up approach with Estyn – especially consistent performance measures consider how to measure value added/distance travelled
Summary of issues for the FE sector clarification needed on role of Area Teams – there needs to be strategic engagement with institutions consistency with School Effectiveness Framework and performance measures dialogue with the sector welcomed and must continue as framework develops however, general view that formal consultation/piloting should be minimised
Update on performance measures Attainment/completion/learner success National comparators published 17 July FE and WBL steering groups set up to advise on further developments Learning activity-level data on Tribal benchmarking tool Learner satisfaction Developing ‘bottom up’ approach to facilitate benchmarking – starting with FE sector ‘Core questions’ being devised Also looking at learner participation and how providers respond to the feedback
Update on performance measures Employer engagement Early stages of development – linked to Skills that Work for Wales agenda Meaningful way of evaluating and improving the effectiveness of employer engagement Possible adoption of Training Quality Standard Sustainability WBL toolkit being piloted Financial health Measure not yet developed but likely to encompass audit and compliance
Provisional timetable February initial discussions with stakeholders April discussion paper published end November QEF circular published June/July internal steering group and external Project Board established end of Quality and Effectiveness Framework circular published February stakeholder event from autumn implementation of new framework