Curtain Up! Theme 2.3.4
student(s) (n.) Definition: A student is a person who goes to school to l_ _ _ _. Example: All the students love Teacher Smokey Bear. The students were delighted when they were able to share their stories in front of the class. Ask: What is a student’s job? Tell your partner things that students do in school. If I say something that a student would do say student. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -homework -read -do their best work -take a test -disobey the rules -come to school everyday -listen to their teacher -carry a backpack with books
effort(n.) Define: When you make an effort, you try very h_ _ _. Example: When I make an effort I always do well. Tiger Woods makes an effort to play great golf. Ask: What is something you make an effort for? If I say a word that describes something that requires a lot of effort say I can do it. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -school -running 5 km -watching a movie -swimming 20 laps -taking a nap -lifting 4 bricks -drawing a picture
perform(v.) Define: You perform when you do something that other people w_ _ _ _. Example: We all performed in the Christmas Play. A magician will perform tricks at my friend’s birthday party. Ask: What are some different ways people perform? How would you feel if you had to perform in a play in front of 100 people? Why? If I say something that describes something someone could perform say ta- da! If I don’t, don’t say anything. -a song -a dance -a play -silent reading -magic -a circus
mood(n.) Define: Your mood is how you f_ _l. Example: I was in a bad mood because mom said I couldn’t go and play. Ask: What things puts you in a good mood? Tell your partner what kind of mood you are in right at this moment. If I say a word that describes a mood that a person could feel say mood. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -happy -confused -blue -silly -frustrated -thristy -angry -hungry
remember(v.) Define: To remember, you think about something from the p_s_ or to keep in _ _ nd carefully. Example: Sally remembers the day she met her best friend Kelly. Please remember that you have a math quiz tomorrow. Ask: What is an antonym for remember? If I say something that you can remember say I know that. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -your telephone number -you mom’s birthday -your homework every Friday -your first day of kindergarten -being a baby -your address
proud(adj.) Define: When you are proud, you feel good about what you, or someone else did. Example: Our teachers were proud that the students performed in Christmas show so well. Ask: When have you felt proud? If I say something that would feel proud about say I’m good. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -good grades -a messy bedroom -learning multiplication in 5 minutes -getting in trouble -riding a bike with no training wheels -tying your shoe -falling in a mud puddle -swimming in cold winter day
Let’s Practice
studentsperformmood effortrememberproud Mr. Iron man likes to _______ with his rock n’ roll band. perform Use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences.
studentsperformmood effortrememberproud It takes a lot of _______ to learn to play the piano well. effort
studentsperformmood effortrememberproud Did you ________ to turn in your homework this morning? remember
studentsperformmood effortrememberproud Dance music puts Jane is a good _____. mood Mom was so _____ when I sang my song beautifully. proud
studentsperformmood effortrememberproud 2 nd grade has the coolest _______ in Chingshin. students
Spelling: Consonant Digraphs
Consonant Digraphs Consonant Digraphs are two letters that together make one sound. thmathbathteeth cheach beachlatch wh whichwhen where sh wish shape clash ph =f elephant phone photo
teeth path each teach match watch which dish fishing wishbone white chase body pretty young
Spelling: Silent Consonants
In some words, the consonant letters can be “silent”. kknow knife knapsack ggnawgnat sign w answer write wrongb combclimb bomb
Find the ninja! (Find the silent letter) A gnat climbs on my hand. I push the button with my thumb. I use a knife to cut the fruit. The students have to write about the two dogs.
Main Idea and Details The main idea is the most important idea of the story. The details give more information about the main idea. Review from Grade OneGrade One
Writing a Summary When you write a summary, you tell the most important facts and ideas in one or two sentences. This is called summarizing.
Let’s Practice
Larry plays guitar. He can also play drums, and piano. But Larry’s favorite instrument is the saxophone. A.Larry plays drums. B.Larry likes saxophone best. C.Larry plays many instruments.
Larry plays guitar. He can also play drums, and piano. But Larry’s favorite instrument is the saxophone. C. Larry plays many instruments.
The auditorium was full of parents. All the students had their costumes on. They knew all their lines. When they walked on the stage, the parents cheered. A.The students wore costumes. B.The students performed. C.The parents cheered.
The auditorium was full of parents. All the students had their costumes on. They knew all their lines. When they walked on the stage, the parents cheered. B. The students performed.
Harry has a brother named Carl. They both play on the school baseball team. Lewis has a brother named Cody. They both swim on the school swim team. The school will have baseball and swim competitions in the spring. A.All the boys have brothers. B.They will have competitions in spring. C.All the boys like sports.
Harry has a brother named Carl. They both play on the school baseball team. Lewis has a brother named Cody. They both swim on the school swim team. The school will have baseball and swim competitions in the spring. C. All the boys like sports.
A syllable is a sound in a word that is said together. It can be many letters together. Syllables DorisDor is = 2
A syllable is a sound in a word that is said together. It can be many letters together. Syllables AmandaA man = 3 da
A syllable is a sound in a word that is said together. It can be many letters together. Syllables Olivia O liv = i a 4
An open syllable word ends in a vowel. The vowel is often long. Open and Closed Syllables brokenbro ken = bro
A closed syllable word ends in a consonant. The vowel sounds are often short. Open and Closed Syllables picnicpic nic = picpic nicnic
Alliteration is when many words in a sentence start with the same letter. Alliteration Terry buys toys in Taipei.
Alliteration She sells sea shells by the sea shore Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.
Alliteration Mike’s microphone made much music. Sarah’s seven sisters slept soundly in the sand. Mike’s microphone made much music. Sarah’s seven sisters slept soundly in the sand.
Rhythmic Patterns are sounds and words that repeat to make a rhythm. Rhythmic Patterns Mary had a little lamb… little lamb…
Rhythmic Patterns are sounds and words that repeat to make a rhythm. Rhythmic Patterns Nobody, nobody but you!
Grammar The Verb Have
The verb have has a special form in the present tense. We use has if the subject is singular(1) Have vs Has Jack has a new bike.
We use have if the subject is plural(2+) or I or you Have vs Has Mark and Harry have red hair. I have a blue backpack.
1.We _____ a test tomorrow. 2.My sister _____ long blond hair. 3.Lena and Dave _____ two cats. 4.You _____ a pretty smile. 5.My teacher _____ a sticky ball. 6.They all _____ a fun time at the zoo. Practice have has have has have
The past tense form of have is had. We use had with all subjects. Have vs Had We had fun in Japan. Jane had to go to the doctor. The students had too much homework.
1.We _____ no school tomorrow. 2.My brother ___ a PS2. 3.Mike _____ company yesterday. 4.Ned _____ many friends. 5.We ___ a different teacher last year. 6. They __ new school uniforms. Practice: Have, Has or Had? have has had has had have