Why Do Outreach? 1.Address a concern for homeowners with private water supplies 2.Promotes awareness, education, and action 3. Protects human health and ground water resources! 4. Helps MWON continue to grow!
Target Audience Examples: Neighbors – individual conversation Co-workers – over lunch break Township – provide a five minute presentation Community Members – use display at a local fair Anywhere there are private water system owners
WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Practice what you preach Spread the word Report your progress
Spread The Word Use your knowledge to educate others Focus on the ease and importance of simple practices NEVER give specific recommendations or professional advice – refer to expert
How to Educate Others? Talk with friends, neighbors, co-workers, family Presentations to small groups (township meetings, watershed group, etc.) Newsletter or newspaper articles Display at event (fairs, etc.) Any other ideas that you have?
Tools Available to Help 3 brochures to distribute as you educate Table-top displays Web site cards Your handbook
Check this out!
Report Your Accomplishments! PLEASE!
You will be reminded to submit one annual report each September or you can submit reports more frequently using this form
Annual Report Form Due Each September
Contacts Get names of people that you talk to We will send them a follow-up short survey to gather impact data to help MWON addresses can be included on contact sheets or included in annual report form Mail to: 308 Forest Resource Building, University Park, PA to: (contacts can be typed out) Or submit on annual report
When in doubt…ask questions! Susan Boser, Regional MWON Coordinator Dana Rizzo, Regional MWON Coordinator Bryan Swistock, Penn State Cooperative Extension or We are here to help you!
MWON POLICY & GUIDELINES Certification is valid for as long as you are an “active” volunteer All information presented to the public must be consistent with recommendations of MWON Expected commitment – Educate100 people – Complete one-page annual report of accomplishments Liability insurance for volunteers – May not sign contracts or leases – Only covers the volunteer during MWON activities MWON is for educational purposes only Never give specific recommendations or professional advice
Watch the events page for upcoming events!