Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault Central Washington University Department of Public Safety and Police Services
What is drug-facilitated rape? Sexual assault that occurs when the victim is purposely incapacitated when one of several substances is introduced into her bloodstream, usually dropped into a drink by the rapist Sexual assault that occurs when the victim is purposely incapacitated when one of several substances is introduced into her bloodstream, usually dropped into a drink by the rapist
How does it happen? Usually at a social event, party or club Someone secretly drops a drug like Rohypnol or GB in the victim’s drink Victim becomes affected by the drug and is incapacitated, unable to move, or left in a weakened or unconscious state Victim cannot escape or resist, and may not remember the details of the attack due to an amnesiac state associated with the drugs
“My girlfriend started to stumble around. I thought she was just really drunk. I found out later that some guy had slipped a couple of ruffies into her drink.” “My girlfriend started to stumble around. I thought she was just really drunk. I found out later that some guy had slipped a couple of ruffies into her drink.”
Then and Now You may have heard the terms “spiking the punch” or “slipping her a Mickey” These drugs are especially dangerous Can be lethal when mixed with alcohol or other drugs
What is Rohypnol? Brand name for the drug flunitrazepam, a benzodiazepine drug Same family as drugs like Valium and Xanax Unlike Valium and Xanax, Rohypnol has never been approved for medical use within the United States Illegal to manufacture, distribute or possess Rohypnol in the United States
What are the effects of Rohypnol? Rohypnol is a potent and fast-acting sedative Effects noticeable within minutes after ingestion Causes drowsiness, confusion, impaired motor skills, dizziness, disinhibition, impaired judgment and reduced levels of consciousness
Effects of Rohypnol Victim may resemble someone who is drunk May slur words or have difficulty walking May be completely unconscious
Other Dangers of Rohypnol Extremely dangerous to mix Rohypnol with alcohol or other drugs Combination may produce extremely low blood pressure, respiratory depression, difficulty breathing, coma or even death
Other Dangers of Rohypnol Most disturbing effects of Rohypnol is that it cam produce complete or partial amnesia (loss of memory) Victim may not be able to remember his or her actions, or the actions of someone else, while under the influence of this drug Amnesiac effect especially likely when Rohypnol is ingested with alcohol
What does Rohypnol look like? Most commonly found in a tablet form Usually smuggled into US in its original packaging – foil backed, clear plastic “blister packs” or “bubble packs” Pills sometimes removed from packaging and put into vitamin or medication bottles Sometimes ground into a powder Occasionally found in liquid form
How is Rohypnol being abused? Across the country, reports of people being “dosed” by other people without knowledge Whole or crushed Rohypnol tablet dropped into drinks When dissolved, Rohypnol is odorless, tasteless and colorless Can be dissolved in any liquid
Street Names for Rohypnol Ruffies, Roofies, Rophies, Roches, Roaches, La Rochas, Rope, Rib, Forget Pill Poor man’s Quaalude, Circles, Dulcitas, Trip-and-Fall, Mind-Erasers, Mexican Valium, Potatoes Negatives, Minuses (referring to minus sign on 1 mg tablets) or Pluses (referring to plus sign on 2 mg tablets)
Against the Law It is illegal to possess or distribute Rohypnol in the United States It is a Schedule IV Controlled Substance Never been approved for medical use in the US
The Drug-Induced Rape Prevention & Punishment Act of 1996 In 1996, Congress passed this federal law that makes simple possession of Rohypnol punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine Distribution or administration of Rohypnol to another person without their knowledge and with the intent to commit a crime of violence is punishable by up to 20 years in prison
“The last thing I remember about the party was this guy giving me a drink. I woke up seven hours later in his bedroom. I can’t remember anything in between.”
What is GHB? Gamma-hydroxybutyrate Tested for potential medical uses in the US Never been approved outside of FDA research trials GHB has also been promoted for body-building In 1990, the FDA issued warning to consumers to stop using GHB because of numerous deleterious effects
What are the effects of GHB? Powerful synthetic drug acts as a depressant on the central nervous system (CNS) Effects of the drug can be felt within 15 minutes of ingestion
Effects of GHB Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, seizures, respiratory depression, intense drowsiness, unconsciousness and coma In some cases, GHB can cause anterograde amnesia, memory loss of events that took place after ingestion When taken with alcohol or other drugs, consequences may be life-threatening
Effects of GHB 2 characteristics of GHB make it especially dangerous 2 characteristics of GHB make it especially dangerous Firstly, most of the GHB used today is “homegrown” made by non-professionals in their own “street labs” (bathtubs or kitchens) with caustic chemicals and solvents Leads to significant difference in degrees of purity, concentration and potency
Effects of GHB Secondly, there is a very narrow margin between the dose that will produce intoxication and the amount that will cause the harmful effects previously listed, including death. Different “cooks” and different “batches” will cause the substance produced to vary greatly; no way to tell before you take it
What does GHB look like? Most commonly made in a clear liquid Colorless and odorless Has also been produced as a white crystalline powder
How is GHB being abused? Reports of GHB being distributed in clubs, bars, raves and other parties across the country Usually sold by capfuls, teaspoons, drops or “swigs” May be passed around in sports bottles, water bottles, small paper cups or other containers
How is GHB being abused? Potential victim may be unknowingly drugged with GHB Clear liquid is easily dropped into drinks May be recognizable by its slightly salty taste Taste is sometimes masked by serving in a sweet liqueur, or said to be a special energy drink
GHB Street Names Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), Liquid X, Liquid E, Liquid Ecstasy, Easy Lay G, Vita-G, G-Juice, Georgia Home Boy, Great Hormones Somatomax, Bedtime Scoop, Soap, Gamma 10 and Energy Drink
Is everyone affected the same way? Difficult to predict the exact effects of any drug on a particular individual Will vary upon the drug, the dose, whether the drug is mixed with alcohol or other drugs, weight, gender, metabolism and other factors, including how soon victim receives medical attention
Taking Care of Yourself Don’t drink beverages that you didn’t open yourself Don’t share or exchange drinks with anyone Don’t take a drink from a punch bowl If possible, bring your own drinks to a party
Taking Care of Yourself If someone offers you a drink from the bar, accompany the person to order your drink, watch the drink being poured and carry the drink yourself Don’t leave your drink unattended while talking, dancing, using the restroom or making a phone call
Taking Care of Yourself If you realize that your drink has been left unattended, discard it Don’t drink anything that has am unusual taste or appearance (i.e., salty taste, excessive foam, unexplained residue) Never mix drugs with alcohol
Watching Out for Your Friends Appoint a designated sober person & have a plan to periodically check on one another at a party If a friend appears very intoxicated, gets sick after drinking a beverage, passes out and is difficult to awaken, seems to be having difficulty breathing, get medical help
Watching Out for Your Friends If you see or hear that someone is “dosing” the punchbowl or a drink, intervene. Confront the person, warn the victim, discard the drink and/or get help Warn friends about high-risk situations, such as clubs where “dosing” is known to have occurred
“This guy was on top of me. I tried to push him off, but I couldn’t lift my arms. They felt like they were full of sand.”
Signs That You May Have Been Drugged If you feel a lot more intoxicated than your usual response to the amount of alcohol you consumed If you wake up very hung over, feeling “fuzzy”, experiencing memory lapse and can’t account for a period of time
Signs That You May Have Been Drugged If you remember taking a drink, but cannot recall what happened for a period of time after you consumed the drink If you feel as though someone had sex with you but you can’t remember any or all of the incident
Drug-Facilitated Rape: What If It Happens To You? Get to a safe place Get help immediately Ask a trusted friend to stay with you and assist you with getting the help you need Call the police Get medical care Go to a hospital emergency room ASAP for an examination and evidence collection
Drug-Facilitated Rape: What If It Happens To You? Request that the hospital take a urine sample for drug toxicology testing to be done by law enforcement (A special test must be conducted to detect Rohypnol in a urine specimen) Preserve as much physical evidence as possible
Drug-Facilitated Rape: What If It Happens To You? Do not urinate, shower, bathe, douche, or throw away the clothing you were wearing during the incident If possible, save any other materials that might provide evidence, such as the glass that held your drink Call a rape crisis center for information and support
CWU Police Wildcat Wellness Center 963- Other resources, Chief? Aspen? What else? For more information, contact: