Notes to RAs RAs: Please use the information below to increase your own knowledge of the physical activity guidelines. Use the attachments labeled “Physical Activity Bulletin Board Components” to assemble the actual display. I’ve included a picture of a possible layout for your display in this document (page 3). Also, feel free to create your own display; but please be aware of the image and talking point guidelines below. You will find some appropriate images to use with the bulletin board components. As an RA you can be a powerful example of a healthy lifestyle to the residence in your hall. Be a leader in health and wellness by being regularly physically active and by keeping a healthy balance of sleep, study-time, good nutrition and stress relieving activities.
Notes to RAs Choose images for your bulletin carefully. Pictures can relay strong statements that may negatively affect a student’s body image. When choosing pictures: Look for pictures that represent realistic body types Make your pictures inclusive, represent the diversity in your hall Consider using pictures from our own campus