L UNG C ANCER By: Anna Cucci Stewart Etheridge
W HAT IS IT ? Lung cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung.
W HAT PARTS DOES IT AFFECT ? The main part of the respiratory system it affects are the lungs, more specifically the alveoli of the lungs.
W HAT ARE THE CAUSES ? The main and most prominent cause of lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. However, there are other causes such as exposure to radon, asbestos, environmental tobacco smoke, and exposures to other hazardous materials.
W HAT KIND OF THERAPY IS USED ? One of the main therapies used is Radiation Therapy. Radiation therapy is the delivery of high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It is like an x-ray that is directly put on the skin.
W HAT KIND OF THERAPY IS USED ? ( CONT.) AND P HARMACOLOGY Another type of therapy used is Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a series of injections and medications taken in order to kill rapidly dividing cells. This is one of the most commonly used therapies in cancer treatments.
P ROGRESSION OF THE DISEASE The progress of the disease varies from person to person; however, it is common for the cancer tumor to double in size within 2 to 4 months. It is one of the quicker spreading cancers As the cancer progresses, you become more at risk of it spreading to lymph nodes and/or to other parts of body.
W HAT ARE THE EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF R ECOVERY Lung cancer is extremely deadly; however, when caught early there is a chance you can beat it. Commonly lung cancer is only found when it has hit stage 4 and this is when it has become too late Generally when someone is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer there is only about a 15% chance they will live past 5 years, but generally most people die within the 5 years.