Message from the Well-being Committee Daniella Bortoletto, Sarah Demers, Usha Mallik, Mike Tuts US-LHC Annual Users’ Organization Meeting University of Wisconsin, Madison Nov 6- Nov 8, 2013
Relatively new committee (idea from Sarah Demers) Mental, Physical, and, most importantly future career well-being for U.S. young people at CERN Build-up a support system for the young people by helping them getting to know each other who and where to go when need arises by contacting the committee members
Started a get-together with USLUO support : evening drinks and food at CERN! Inauguration in early July, 2013 second one in late October, 2013 both successful, everyone enjoyed typically once every three or four months would like to get more help in place We need all young people to join USLUO.ORG please ask your group members to sign up for communication (no other way) for example forming a bulletin board (updates will be clear) will inform on
Major concerns : Young people are away from familiar surroundings: can suffer from serious self-doubts special circumstances can be challenging other interferences Names of medical and psychological help available Will have a list of LHC/CERN people to go to for example : head of CERN medical service : CERN psychologist : people with experience and sufficient maturity this would all be informal, the individual will have to seek assistance**
A list exists at (1-800 number) Also a set of knowhow upon arrival exists at From the pagehttps:// For ATLAS people Useful link to CMS website We need a pointer to each from one place, (Will use better web design, with professional help)
Future Career Paths: HEP trained physicists are a very qualified work force to serve the society 1) Opportunities in the field 2) Opportunities outside the field We can provide a link to both ! Now about their future career !!!
Opportunities in the field (CERN related) (should be posted on the bulletin board) 1)US-ATLAS (ATLAS Analysis Support Center) fellowships for postdocs and young Assistant Professors, each year at the labs 2)LPC (CMS) fellowships for postdocs at FNAL (by DOE, NSF, FNAL) 3)General ATLAS job-list page (includes non-ATLAS jobs) 4) CMS FPS: to support young scientists (for Masters or Ph.D. students and postdocs (set up with support from Incandela) young-scientists
Opportunities (continued) 5) CMS job page 6) A new e-group is being set up in ATLAS where job lists will be ed 7) Graduate students support in ATLAS (established by Gianotti/Jenni) 8) Inspire list 9) LHCb tml 10) ALICE
Other possibilities: CERN fellowships COFUND Fellowships at CERN - Careers at CERNCOFUND Fellowships at CERN - Careers at CERN (in several fields) Complements CERN fellowships (with Marie Curie), open to all Several countries offer fellowships for one or two years in France (labs), Italy (INFN)……. Young scientists fellowship (DESY) ships/index_eng.html We can post jobs near CERN outside HEP Also can post similar jobs in the U.S.
Another important aspect: Some visa information will also be helpful to the U.S. students and postdocs since many are not U.S. citizens and have to keep it in mind. USLUO (Harvey Newman) has already kept us current with the visa issue, an area we have to be vigilant in. Learning a bit of rudimentary French to get by is useful: list places or opportunities or groups to learn
Conclusion: We are off to a serious start ! Please send us your ideas and comments and help us. Especially if and when you know something that would be helpful to the young folks, like a web page, a new area of expansion ….