Why Camp? 4-H Camp Goals and Objectives Developed by Teresa Johnson, Extension Agent- Paulding County Source: John Fark, Extension Agent- Marion County (retired)
What is Camp? Camping is as old as the human race. To the Indian or the pioneer, camping meant primitive living under the open sky. To the camper of today,camping means simplified living. 4-H group camping offers, “A creative, educational experience in cooperative group living in the out-of-doors.”
Camp is….. Camp is a place – the green woods, the swimming pool, the campfire, the dining hall, and the running stream. Camp is a program – for citizenship development, nature appreciation, social development, healthful living, and leadership development.
Camp is an experience – bringing memories, new purposes to lives, improved or newly acquired skills, friendships, and appreciation. Camp is you, the counselor – your philosophy of the camp and camping develops within the campers.
The 4-H Camp Each summer,parents show their belief in the value of 4-H camping by sending thousands of Ohio youngsters to 4-H camps. Throughout the years, camping has proved to be an effective teaching tool for boys and girls.
Boys and girls gain new dimensions to their lives through cooperative group camping. The outdoor camping experience also compliments and supplements local 4-H club programs and individual projects.
Some 4-H campers will use the skills learned at camp throughout their lives. Others, perhaps, will seldom use these camp skills. Regardless, 4-H camp activities provide each camper with feelings of accomplishment and self-reliance in their present lives.
Mission The mission of 4-H is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that enable them to become self-directing, productive, contributing members of society. The Ohio State University Extension 4-H youth program helps young people achieve National 4-H Objectives.
National 4-H Objectives Have recreational and educational experiences in outdoor living away from home Meet and learn to get along with other young people through committee work, program planning, living together, and activities, such as crafts and games.
Learn to take responsibility for their decisions and actions without family protection. Explore new interests, or new angles of old interests – such as nature, music, and waterfront activities – that cannot be explored as well through local clubs. Discover and develop leadership abilities as well as intelligent “followership” skills.
Discover special talents and capabilities with other campers and counselors for future use in other phases of the program. Learn to meet individual and group responsibilities. Be inspired to practice better 4-H membership.
What are goals for our camp? What is it that our campers will take home with them that they did not have when they came to camp?
Camp Goals Increased Positive Self-Concept Increased Sense of Responsibility New Friends Experience Positive Role Models New Skills Leadership
Appreciation of Nature Growing spiritually Personal Health Personality and Character growth Fun Make the Best Better
So why do we camp? Camping teaches all of us important lessons and skills we cannot learn in any other way. Camping experience contributes extensively toward the growth of the 4-H member. The conscientious counselor incurs the greatest growth of all.
A real experience is in store for campers if their counselor has a compass in their head and a magnet in their heart, and stimulates campers instead of dominating them.