GREEN NETWORKS Phase 1 – Ernestas Žemaitis, Inka Lappalainen, Nea Vainio, Tero Vanhanen and Ygor Póvoa Guimarães.
Before we start Bodytext Our group’s goal First identified existing green areas Studied existing data and reports about Otaniemi’s nature Come up with three goals: Make densification happen without harming existing green areas and networks Develop green areas in that way that their whole potential is being used Change attitudes towards green areas in planning Green Networks Goal Strategy
What is ”green”? Natural environment vs built environment The dichotomy is not always rational since natural processes occur everywhere The values of green areas are enhanced when they are linked Green Networks Goal Strategy Definition
What does it provide us? We identified key values of green networks: 1.Biodiversity 2.Regulation of natural processes 3.Recreation Green Networks Goal Strategy Definition What it provides?
Analyses: natural values, recreational values, regulating services Green Networks Goal Strategy Definition What it provides? What affects it? Stakeholders Have their own needs Synthesis natural values regulating values recreational values
Nature conservation permits The Nature Conservation Act includes numerous prohibitions related to the conservation of nature reserves and species, the purpose of which is to preserve natural biodiversity. Nature reserves typically prohibit all activities that affect natural habitats, as defined in their establishment provisions and decisions. The altering of protected natural habitat types and, in particular, the deterioration or destruction of species habitats is prohibited. Protected species are governed by their own prohibitions. It is also prohibited to destroy or deteriorate the breeding sites or resting places of species referred to in annex IV (a) of the Habitats Directive. CITES regulations, which regulate the international trade of endangered species, also impose trade restrictions on certain species. In some cases, the appropriate authorities may grant derogations from these prohibitions. ( References for those regulations Green Networks Goal Strategy Definition What it provides? What affects it? Stakeholders Have their own needs Regulations
Land Use and Building Act (132/1999, amendment 222/2003 included) Section 54 Required content of the local detailed plan The local detailed plan shall be drawn up so as to create the preconditions for a healthy, safe and pleasant living environment, locally available services and the organization of traffic. The built and the natural environment must be preserved and their special values must not be destroyed. There must be sufficient parks or other areas suitable for local recreation in the area covered by the plan or in its vicinity. The local detailed plan must not substantially weaken the quality of anyone's living environment in a manner that is not justified by the plan's purpose. Moreover, the local detailed plan may not impose restrictions on or cause unreasonable harm to landowners or other title holders that could be avoided without disregarding the objectives or requirements of the plan. Section 62 Interaction in drawing up a plan Planning procedures must be organized and the principles, objectives and goals and possible alternatives of planning publicized so that the landowners in the area and those on whose living, working or other conditions the plan may have a substantial impact, and the authorities and corporations whose sphere of activity the planning involves (interested party), have the opportunity to participate in preparing the plan, estimate its impact and state their opinion on it, in writing or orally. Green Networks Goal Strategy Definition What it provides? What affects it? Stakeholders Have their own needs Regulations
Green Networks Goal Strategy Definition What it provides? What affects it? Stakeholders Have their own needs Regulations How to achieve our goal? Identify the most important green areas Keep the most important green Areas and connect them