MANAGING MID-CAREER TRANSITIONS: VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY ___________ Marian R. Walters, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies Penn State Harrisburg
Critical Issues -- Expected academic path: increased research/funding/teaching -- Many faculty seek career progress outside traditional academic paths -- Many academic institutions don’t provide training/only support targeted faculty
General Considerations -- Not all academic careers follow the traditional path -- Many reasons to seek career changes
Typical Mid-Career Scientist: Many years’ success at: -- research and/or -- teaching and/or -- service/administration
Typical Mid-Career Scientist: Many years’ success at: -- research and/or -- teaching and/or -- service/administration Need to Grow/Expand/SURVIVE
Seeking New Directions? -- New challenges -- New grants -- Renewed student interactions -- Salary/status increase -- Change in reporting structure
General Considerations -- Differences between “voluntary” and “involuntary”?
Voluntary vs. Involuntary -- Lead time -- Positive vs. negative outlook -- Forces a needed change
Voluntary Change: Is There a “Best” Time?
Voluntary Change: Is There a “Best” Time? -- Parallel Move: New Grant
Voluntary Change: Is There a “Best” Time? -- New career direction: Never too soon… to start planning/researching options
Voluntary Change: Is There a “Best” Time? -- New career direction: Never too soon… to start planning/researching options BUT, need underlying experience & expertise (documented)
Accepting “Involuntary” Changes -- Need to take charge, but… -- Grieving process
Need Time to Grieve -- Deal with anger/anxiety
Need Time to Grieve -- Deal with anger/anxiety -- “Grieve for loss of research lab” Dr. Richard Vari, EB06
Need Time to Grieve -- Deal with anger/anxiety -- “Grieve for loss of research lab” Dr. Richard Vari, EB06 -- “Crossing over” into administration is not treason!!
Need Time to Grieve -- Deal with Anger/Anxiety -- “Grieve for loss of research lab” Dr. Richard Vari, EB06 -- “Crossing over” into administration is not treason!! -- Don’t burn bridges
Accepting “Involuntary” Changes -- Easier if previously considered/ tested alternatives
Accepting “Involuntary” Change -- Easier if previously considerer/ tested alternatives Administrative Committees Mentoring/Development NIH/NSF Panels APS, etc., Society Roles Other “Academic Hobbies”
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Seek training and information Scan Job Ads (Science, Chronicle)
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Seek training and information Scan job ads (Science, Chronicle) Attend “leadership” & career programs
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Seek training and information Scan job ads (Science, Chronicle) Attend “leadership” & career programs Seek mentors Consider career coach
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Seek training and information Scan job ads (Science, Chronicle) Attend “leadership” & career programs Seek mentors Consider career coach Ask questions “Try-outs”: sabbaticals, summers, etc.
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Assess strengths Disengage from what is expected & consider what you enjoy
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Assess strengths Disengage from what is expected & consider what you enjoy Peruse detailed CV Colleagues Mentors
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Assess strengths Disengage from what is expected & consider what you enjoy Peruse detailed CV Colleagues Mentors Formal evaluation: Professional coach “Leadership” programs
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Seek training and information -- Assess strengths -- Increase professional contacts:
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Seek training and information -- Assess strengths -- Increase professional contacts: Inside & outside your University Society meetings Other professional sessions Collaborations
Making the Most of Scientific Contacts -- Mingle at meetings -- Learn about job types: academic and non-academic -- Get to know the principals -- Seek information on openings
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Preparing for Change -- Seek training and information -- Assess strengths -- Increase professional contacts -- Begin the application process
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Beginning the Job Search -- Lessons from prior job search: LONG PROCESS
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Beginning the Job Search -- Lessons from prior job search -- Cast a wide net -- Don’t prejudge opportunities/ job descriptions
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Professional Application Package -- Strong letter of application -- Revamped (brief) curriculum vitae -- Executive summary
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Professional Application Package -- Names and contact information for 4-6 strong references:
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Professional Application Package -- Names and contact information for 4-6 strong references: -- Strong RECOMMENDATION letter
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Professional Application Package -- Names and contact information for 4-6 strong references: -- Strong RECOMMENDATION letter -- Variety of academic positions -- Variety of connections -- Varied demographics (gender, etc)
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Prepare for the Interview -- Expect an initial phone interview (and/or videoconference)
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Prepare for the Interview -- Expect an initial phone interview (and/or videoconference) -- Knowledge about the institution and position
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Prepare for the Interview -- Expect an initial phone interview (and/or videoconference) -- Knowledge about the institution and position -- Know typical salary range
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Prepare for the Interview -- Prepare to discuss your “vision” for the position
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Prepare for the Interview -- Prepare to discuss your “vision” for the position -- Learn “on the go”/refine the search
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Prepare for the Interview -- Prepare to discuss your “vision” for the position -- Learn “on the go”/refine the search -- Keep applying/interviewing until….
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Got the position: Now what?
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Got the position: Now what? -- CELEBRATE!! Plan
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Got the position: Now what? -- CELEBRATE!! Plan -- Reasonable expectations What “honeymoon”? Get to know all the players
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Got the position: Now what? --CELEBRATE!! Plan -- Reasonable expectations -- Work smart; produce well
“How To” Manual for Career Transitions: Got the position: Now what? --CELEBRATE!! Plan -- Reasonable Expectations -- Work smart; produce well -- Begin preparation for NEXT career opportunities
Research Scientist -- NIH/NSF Administrator -- Dean of Research/Graduate Study -- Chair (Dept. Biology, etc) -- Business entrepreneur -- Industry -- Parallel move to another institution -- Educational institution