1 How to Pursue National Certification as a Catechetical Leader
The Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministers
Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministers (ACLEM) Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions National Association for Lay Ministry National Association of Pastoral Musicians National Conference for Catechetical Leadership National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry 3
Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord (USCCB, 2005) “Ensuring the quality of pastoral care provided by lay ecclesial ministers requires a process for deciding that a given candidate has the education, formation, and professional skills necessary to serve in a particular role. “ 4
Alliance = Common Purpose A common approach for assessing competence for the following specialized ministries : Director of Worship (FDLC) Parish Life Coordinator (NALM) Pastoral Associate (NALM) Director of Music Ministries (NPM) Parish Catechetical Leader (NCCL) Youth Ministry Leader (NFCYM) ◦ Including Pastoral Juvenil Hispana Diocesan Youth Ministry Leader (NFCYM) 5
National Certification Standards & Process 1. To give direction to the future of lay ministry, 2. To recognize and affirm those persons already in ministry, and 3. To promote faithful, competent, and accountable lay ecclesial ministry. 6
National Certification Benefits IndividualDiocesanNational National credential & acknowledgement of competence Enhance confidence, credibility, professional identity Potential future employment, salary impact More feasible, affordable option for offering certification Portable credential Tool for affirming and advocating for lay ecclesial ministers Together is better Establish national standards of excellence Build credibility and trust for LEM Contribute to the development of LEM within the Church 7
Who certifies? The Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministry AND the partner organization, National Conference for Catechetical Leadership 8
Where do I find Information? The Alliance website contains all the standards, instructions, and forms you will need. 9
National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers 11
National Certification Process and Procedures 12
Certification Forms: application, recommendation, form, self-assessment, checklists, etc. 13
Who is eligible for Certification? Member of NCCL Practicing Catholic, full communion Education and Formation in field related to one’s ministry Ministerial Experience of at least 3 years full-time (6 part-time) Broad, Demonstrated Competence 14
Education & Formation Theological study preferably Master's degree; equivalency possible Specialized Study 120 hours in catechesis, religious education, formation 15
What is involved in Certification? Individual assembles a Portfolio of documentation and evidence of competence Organizational and national committees review the portfolio and render decision 16
How Do I Get Certified? 1. Apply to become Candidate 2. Prepare Portfolio 3. Submit for Review 17
1. Apply Submit application packet to NCCL Deadlines: March 1, October 1 18
Application packet Membership in partner organization Baptismal certificate - long form 3 references - pastor, and 2 colleagues Educational background Ministerial autobiography Diocesan verification of child protection Signed Code of Ethics Application fee ($95) 19
Application Review Application is reviewed by the NCCL Partner Certification Review Committee (PCRC) If approved, individual becomes a Certification Candidate 20
2. Prepare Portfolio Candidate collects and prepares materials for portfolio Candidate may be assigned an Advisor Candidate receives access to online mailbox to submit materials Candidacy fee ($165) 21
Portfolio: Types of Evidence 1. Testimony 2. Transcripts, records, certificates 3. Demonstration of pastoral work 4. Integration paper 22
Portfolio 1. Evidence of formal education and formation for ministry 2. Evidence of demonstrated competency in ministry in all four standards, and in specialized areas 3. Testimony or observational evidence of pastor, peer, subordinate 4. Self-assessment including ministerial development and planning 5. Integration paper 23
Competence Evidence of successful leadership in a catechetical setting job description, meeting outlines, program brochures and so on. 24
Integration Paper page paper Description of concrete problem or issue in ministry Exposition of pertinent material from scripture, tradition, theology Application of insights and resolution of issue reflecting sound practice Reflection on how one's formation helped and challenged one to grow further. 25
3. Submit for Review Portfolio is submitted online Portfolio is reviewed and evaluated by NCCL’s PCRC If approved, the portfolio and recommendation are sent to NCRC If approved, materials and recommendation are forwarded to the Alliance Commission 26
Certification Alliance Commission decides on Certification Certification is communicated by letter and certificate. Newly Certified are recognized at annual NCCL conference National Certification for 7 years 27
To learn more… Available for download: Standards Indicators Details about the Certification Process 28
30 How to Pursue National Certification as a Youth Ministry Leader
Who certifies? The Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministry AND the partner organization, National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry 31
Where do I find Information? The Alliance website contains all the standards, instructions, and forms you will need. 32
Who is eligible for Certification? Member of NACYML Practicing Catholic, full communion Education and Formation in field related to one’s ministry Ministerial Experience of at least 3 years full-time (6 part-time) Broad, Demonstrated Competence 33
Education & Formation Theological study Minimum 120 clock hours or 12 credits in four of the core disciplines (with remainder before first renewal) Specialized Study 90 hours in training and formation in youth ministry 34
Certification Alliance Commission decides on Certification Certification is communicated by letter and certificate. Newly Certified are recognized at biennial NCCYM National Certification for 7 years 35
37 Seeking Support while Pursuing National Certification
38 Seeking Support while Pursuing Certification A local support group that offers : Sense of community Sense of community Guidance regarding the process Guidance regarding the process Feedback on portfolio content Feedback on portfolio content Motivation to make timely progress Motivation to make timely progress
39 Seeking Support while Pursuing Certification If interested in a certification support group, provide your: Name Type of certification