Antalya Republic Attorney General Probation Board Presidency
EU, 2012 call for proposal Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project: “European perspectives on raising social competencies of offenders”
THE PROBATION BOARD The name of the Probation Boards, was established under the law in 2005, for the aim of the counteracting to commit a crime again and making compensation the given an injury to the victim.
For the aim of establishing of the Probation Board; to counteract of committing a crime again and, to make compensation the given an injury to the victim. to dispel of the problems who has suffered damages because of the crime as psycho-social and economically. to integrate the ex-prisoners into the society again for decreasing effecting and resulting of the crime. to support to the prisoners and victims whose needing subjects with cooperating and collaborating related institutions and organisations.
to help and support the ex-prisoners and who has suffered from damages for; *getting vocational training and job, *job seeking, *providing financing and solving other who has confronted difficulties. to take all preventive measures for providing continuing their education and trainings. DUTY of the PROBATION BOARDS;
WORKING TYPE ; The working procedure starts with applying of the ex-prisoner to the Probation Board. WORKING PRINCIPLES: Respect to human dignity and trustworthiness, Privacy, Neutrality.
MEMBERS OF THE PROBATION BOARD Under the chairmanship of attorney general or his/her deputy republic prosecutor; Related governmental institutions, Local administrations, Representatives of the civil society organizations and NGO’s.
Prisoners are studying at vocational education and training in the atelier.
PRISONERS IN TURKEY WHO HAVE COMMITTED THE MOST TYPES OF CRIMES burglary laceration-injury-hurt narcotic and stimulant selling or trade, pillage murder sexual abuse to act as an intermediary to prostitution forgery on official document.
The institution where the project will be applied at Antalya L Type Prison Convicted Arrested Men………… …………… Women……… 63 ………………87 Children…….. - ………… 30 boys Total………… 670 …………… Sum up :1334
Working Systematic Method of totalitarian approach will be applied, Effecting all systems of individual will be analyzed, Psycho-social support for each individual will be provided. The program will be developed upon based on individual needs.
Target group Preliminary working group; 30 women 20 children Appliance group (100 persons); 15 women 10 children 75 family members.
Application Program Preliminary Working Group Program (November-December 2012, January, February, March 2013) Appliance Group Program (April ) Society Oriented Program (April )
Preliminary Working Group Program Individual interview Needs of analysis survey Evaluation Tests Group workings Education and trainings (vocational training, artistic working… ).
Preliminary Working Group Program Need of Analysis Survey Surveys will apply to 50 prisoners. Appling time about 90 minutes. Every surveys are formed to 11 sections. Numbered questions are 45, Un-numbered questions are 26, Total 71 questions. Types of Surveys *For children *For single women *For married women.
Preliminary Working Group Program Scales for use… *Social problem solving inventory: Long version: 70 Short Version: 25 Questions. This inventory applied to all of inmates. (Women and Children) This inventory determines to people’s emotion, impulse and concsiousness situation to againist problem and show to their competencies for alternate to options and finding solutions. *Self-Control Schedule Scale: (36 questions) This inventory will apply all of inmates. Application time : 30 minutes. This scale show to people which level they can control themselves. *Social Relations Scale: This scale show to relationship balance between child’s friends and family. Application time : 20 Minutes. (15 questions)
Preliminary Working Group Program Assesment Tests; Assesment of spare time survey. Finding the strength competencies survey. What am I to whom survey.
Preliminary Working Group Program After result of need analysis and scales; Individual interview Group works.
Appliance Group Program General; Individual interviews, Group workings, Family educations/Family interviews, For children; Completing of formal and non formal educations, Vocational guidance, Social activities, Supporting family relations. For women; Supporting family relations, Providing craft/job courses, Supporting of taking part in the working life, Social activities. A craft/job to be provided.
FLOW of the ACTIVITY SCHEMA Their families Women Children Aileleri Preliminary Working Group Appliance Group Society Oriented Programmed Children Women Their families Breaking of prejudgements Using of society resources
04/17/13 WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR THIS PROJECT EVOLUTION PROGRESS We worked with two graphic designer and prepared twenty logos for this project. So we decided to best one between twenty logos.
EVOLUTION PROGRESS 2 Social Workers and 1 Psychologist made to preliminary interview with all of leaners and Prosecuter Ertan Ünsal gave information about project. Determined to children and women who join to project.
EVOLUTION PROGRESS Social Problem Solving inventory and Information forms are applied to all of inmates. (30 Women and 20 Children)
EVOLUTION PROGRESS Analyzed to all of Social Problem Solving Iventories; According to result: Planned to individual and group therapies.
Planned and Started Programs for Children * Individual development group therapy (37 Sessions) * Anger management group therapy (11 Sessions) * University students sent to motivation letters to all children. Planned and Started Programs for Women * Vocational Tailoring Educaiton. (144 hours) * Entreprenuership Education. (80 hours)
Probation Board President Ertan Ünsal Contact Person Sabri Hatipoğlu Project Executive Team Sabri Hatipoğlu Güngör Çabuk Burcu Kaya
Thanks for your attention…. KONYAALTI/ANTALYA