Warm-Up: Match the following definitions to the derivatives of manus, -us f.: hand 1)manumission 2)manicure 3)manipulate 4)manacles 5)manufacture a)handcuffs b)to control c)freeing of a slave d)to make by hand e)to take care of one’s hands or fingernails
Semi-Deponent Verbs audeo, audēre, ausus sum: to dare soleo, solēre, solitus sum: to be accustomed gaudeo, gaudēre, gavisus sum: to praise note how these verbs have only three principal parts also note how the third principal part is made up of two words
the third principal part is a characteristic of deponent verbs deponent verbs have passive voice endings but use active voice definitions semi-deponent verbs have regular 1 st and 2 nd principal parts, but their perfect and pluperfect forms use passive voice endings (more info to come about passive voice at a later time)
Perfect Tense of audeo use 3 rd principal part (ausus sum) make ausus a 1 st /2 nd declension adjective (ausus, ausa, ausum) to demonstrate masculine, feminine, and neuter why: to better understand who is doing the action of the verb endings change into plural forms as well use present tense forms of sum, esse, fui: to be
Perfect Tense of audeo Sing. 1 ausus, -a, -um sum – I have dared 2 ausus, -a, -um es – you have dared 3 ausus, -a, -um est – he/she/it has dared Pl. ausi, -ae, -a sumus – we have dared ausi, -ae, -a estis – y’all have dared ausi, -ae, -a sunt – they have dared
Pluperfect Tense of audeo follow same rules for perfect tense (using 1 st /2 nd declension endings to make masculine, feminine, and neuter for the second word of the form, use imperfect tense of sum, esse, fui: to be
Pluperfect Tense of audeo Sing. 1 ausus, -a, -um eram – I had dared 2 ausus, -a, -um eras – you had dared 3 ausus, -a, -um erat – he/she/it had dared Pl. ausi, -ae, -a eramus – we had dared ausi, -ae, -a eratis – y’all had dared ausi, -ae, -a erant - they had dared
Conjugate gaudeo into perfect and pluperfect tenses. Translate forms. principal parts: gaudeo, gaudēre, gavisus sum remember to make the 3 rd principal part into an adjective featuring 1 st and 2 nd declension endings plural endings apply
Perfect Tense of gaudeo Sing. 1 gavisus, -a, -um sum – I have praised 2 gavisus, -a, -um es – you have praised 3 gavisus, -a, -um est – he/she/it has praised Pl. gavisi, -ae, -a sumus – we have praised gavisi, -ae, -a estis – y’all have praised gavisi, -ae, -a sunt – they have praised
Pluperfect Tense of gaudeo Sing. 1 gavisus, -a, -um eram – I had praised 2 gavisus, -a, -um eras – you had praised 3 gavisus, -a, -um erat – he/she/it had praised Pl. gavisi, -ae, -a eramus – we had praised gavisi, -ae, -a eratis – y’all had praised gavisi, -ae, -a erant – they had praised