Jūrmala (Latvia), 13th June 2012 Burkhard Fieber Head of the Department for International Cooperation, EU Affairs, Protocol and Media Policy State Chancellery of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany Promotion of Interregional cooperation within the Operational Programmes of Saxony-Anhalt financed from ERDF and ESF
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 2 Background: low success of applications for interregional projects in EU-programmes too many applications within the EU for a small number of different funding programmes Looking for a possibility to continue good projects ► “Saxony-Anhalt Interregional” Promotion of interregional cooperation by EU-funds ERDF and ESF within the Operational Programmes is a new Opportunity in the funding period (Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, Art. 32 ff.) Budget of 5,2 Million Euros including regional co-financing: 3,0 Million Euros from ESF 2,2 Million Euros from ERDF
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 3 Objectives of funding: Contribution to a powerful internationalisation of business companies, institutions and organisations through integration in European networks Improvement of participation of business companies, institutions and organisations in grant programmes of the EU Promotion of interregional relationships of Saxony-Anhalt Improvement of the application of EU funds in Saxony-Anhalt through exchange of experiences development of human resources through knowledge transfer (Key intercultural, linguistic and social skills)
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 4 Thematically open within the framework of ERDF and ESF (EC-regulations): Main Purpose of ERDF grant: Regional development and strengthening competitiveness Main Purpose of ESF grant: Qualification and training in terms of the primary labour market Objects of sponsorship: seminars, workshops, conferences training seminars, workshops, conferences study visits initiating networks pilot and demonstration projects
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 5 Conditions: Participation of at least one local authority of another Member State of the EU (Art. 37, Sect. [6c] and Sect. [7] of Regulation [EC] 1083/2006) Eligible, but no grant requirement: participation of our partner regions (Centre, Mazovia, Valencia) Grants of Saxony-Anhalt have to capitalize in Saxony-Anhalt. Foreign project partners have to pay their own expenses. A combination with other European subsidies is not possible. This regards the combination of ERDF and ESF grants, too. The applicant has to generate a co-payment. A non-cash contribution is allowable. Flexible project duration
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 6 Grant recipients: Local authorities Other public bodies or equivalent organisations Private law individuals and legal entities (but no SMEs, commercial entities) Eligible costs: Project related expenses Staff expenditures for the project Material expenditures (except furniture, crafts, infrastructure, property)
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 7 Examples of funded projects (ERDF) “Extension of interregional co-operation in the field of biomass logistics and improvement of conditions of interregional co-operation in research programmes of the EU” Duration: , Partner regions: Autonomous Region Valencia and several other regions funding: €, € Contents: Study visits to the regions to identify common interests and key fields of activity Identification of factors for successful work in European support programs Knowledge transfer among professionals and members of government Preparation and hosting of a conference on biomass logistics in October 2010 Joint acquisition of EU funding in the field of renewable energies and biomass logistics
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 8 Examples of funded projects (ERDF) “ChemLog+, Interregional Cooperation to strengthen the competitiveness in the chemical logistics” Duration: (ChemLog), Partner regions: Region Novara (Italy) and local partners funding: € (for ) Contents: Establishing a platform for communication and cooperation in chemical logistics to improve the chemical logistics in Central and Eastern Europe improving the frame for chemical logistics in Saxony-Anhalt Development of common positions within the EU decision-making on relevant policies Intensifying exchange of information and experience with other EU projects in the field of chemical logistics (European Territorial Cooperation, Framework Programme 7, Marco Polo, Motorways of the Seas, etc.) Information on project results to the thematic working group on chemical logistics in the ECRN to share experiences with South and West European Chemical Regions
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 9 Examples of funded projects (ESF) “Gartenträume” (“garden dreams”) Duration: Partner regions: “Castles and estates association Lithuania“ and local partners funding: about € Contents: Joint development and coordination of the training curriculum for architects, gardeners etc., "maintenance of historic gardens and parks“ Common training and internship of Lithuanian and German participants in Saxony-Anhalt and Lithuania Development of model concepts of tending gardens in Saxony-Anhalt and Lithuania International workshop and congress Public relations and communications
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 10 Main problems of Grant Programme “Saxony-Anhalt interregional”: Different provisions for ERDF and ESF; GD Employment sets out provisions via working papers; GD Regio does not provide appropriate papers Interpretation possibilities of legal basis and working papers (e.g. no definition for public body) Lack of harmonised provisions concerning national regulations and EU regulations Internal legal aspects within Saxony-Anhalt itself (e.g. budgetary law) Programme is sparsely-used by regional authorities and administrations despite strong promotion Financing interregional partner‘s expenses: Saxony-Anhalt must not pay interregional partner‘s costs, partner‘s need to identify own funding possibilities How to handle universities as applicants: Are they eligible as a part of regional authorities / administration? Low budget of interregional partners to co-finance interregional projects > possible solution: interregional cooperation can also be included to OPs of partners!
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 11 Conclusions and objectives for next funding period : Decision of cabinet in January 2012: Strategy on Internationalisation and Europe for Saxony-Anhalt The interregional and transnational cooperation should be continued in the OP ESF and OP EFRE Implementing appropriate programmes in other regions to start common calls Saxony-Anhalt: in total probably 1/3 smaller volume in ► for ESF: good chances to get the requested grant ► for ERDF: have to await the outcome More workshops for regional and local authorities: How to apply for projects and use the programme
Grant Programme „Saxony-Anhalt Interregional“ 12 Thank you for your attention!