Article 2 ■Each state retains sovereignty, freedom, and independence as well as every power not given to the United States by the Articles of Confederation ■Problems???????? ■What present day issues would this cause????? –Driving Age –Schooling –Voting
Article 3 ■The Confederation is a “league of friendship” ■Basically each state would defend, secure liberties, and promote common good with other states ■Problems????? ■Aren’t states supposed to be independent?
Article 4 ■All free inhabitants of the states (except paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives) are entitled to privileges in all states ■Can freely move about the states ■If you commit a crime in one state and flee, you must be returned ■Each state must respect the others proceedings ■Problems????? ■Free Inhabitants?????
Article 5 ■Each state will send 2-7 delegates to meet in Congress each year –No one can be a delegate for more than 3 of every 6 years –Can’t hold an office for which he is paid –Each state has 1 vote ■Members of Congress have free speech in Congress –Unless treason, felony, or breach of the peace
Article 5 ■Problems?????? ■Why is free speech in this article? ■Who would agree with this more Hobbes or Locke????
Article 6 ■Limits on State Powers –May not send embassy or make alliances or treaties with countries –Can’t make titles of nobility –Can’t make treaties or alliances with other states without consulting Congress –No taxes that interfere with treaties with France of Spain –No standing army or navy but MUST keep militia –No war unless invaded or about to be invaded by Indians
Article 6 ■Problems????? ■No nobility?
Article 7 ■In state armies, Colonel and below appointed by the state ■Problems? ■State army? What about Article 6?
Article 8 ■Costs of war or other national expenses are paid from common treasury ■Each state will pay into the treasury in proportion to the value of land in that state ■Problems???? ■Which states would not like this???? ■Fair?????
Article 9 ■Federal Powers –Wage war and peace –Send and receive ambassadors –Enter into treaties and alliances –Divide captures of war –Create privateers –Courts for crimes on the high sea –Settle state disputes –Regulate value of coins
Article 9 (cont.) ■Set standard weights and measures ■Regulate affairs and trade with Indians outside individual states ■Establish post office ■Govern Army and Navy ■Borrow money ■Must have consent of 9 sates
Article 9 (Cont.) ■Problems???????
Article 10 ■Executive committee, which operates when congress is not in session, has powers as long as they have consent of 9 states ■Problems? ■Why would the Executive Committee need to meet?
Article 11 ■Canada may join the U.S. ■Other colonies must be agreed upon by 9 states ■What????? ■Problems??? ■What other colonies????
Article 11 ■The United States is responsible for all debts that congress contracted before the Articles were signed ■Problems???????
Article 13 ■All sates will respect decisions by Congress, ■No changes to the Articles unless agreed upon by all states ■Problems??????