Lecture 1: The Demographics of the United Kingdom Jason Downs British and American Culture
The “Four Countries” of the UK
Geography of the UK
Most Populous Cities 1. London 2. Birmingham 3. Manchester 4. Leeds 5. Liverpool 6. Glasgow
Population Density Map
UK Population Population: approx. 63 million One-third of the population live in the southeast Formerly, the UK population was almost all white European ethnicity; however in the 20th and 21st centuries it has become increasingly diverse.
Country of Birth for Immigrants to the UK (2011 Census) India722,433 Poland654,010 Pakistan502,796 Ireland468,142 Germany299,746 China284,069 Bangladesh214,091 South Africa203,477 Nigeria201,184 United States197,355 Jamaica160,775 Of course, there are also many people who are of foreign ethnicity but were born in the U.K., which are not included in this chart.
Sources of Immigration to UK
Religion in the UK
Average income map North-South divide
Social Class Divisions Although British society makes great efforts to promote social equality and equality of opportunity, there are still persistent social divisions “Social class” is often an important identity in the UK These class divisions often result in cultural and political divisions One’s social class is often not based on how much money one has
Differences in Speech based on Geographic and Social Class Divisions Upper and lower classes can be easily distinguished based on accent “RP – Received Pronunciation” – this is the upper-class accent, used for example by BBC presenters “Cockney” – this is a working-class accent that originated from the east side of London Ak
UK Map Quiz Know all of the cities on this map, along with the four countries of the UK and the Thames River.
UK Map Quiz Also, know these regions of England
UK Map Quiz You can use this blank map of England to practice remembering the regions.
UK Map Quiz You can use this blank UK map to practice remembering the cities, four countries, and Thames.
Homework Read and understand the class syllabus Unit 1, all (pages 1-21) Unit 2, Sections 1-2 (pages 22-24) King Arthur text Study for U.K. Map Quiz