1.From: person who’s writing To: addressee Subject: what the is about 2.Greeting - Hi + name, - Hello + name, - Dear + name,
3.Introduction: - How are you? I’m fine. - How are your family? - It was great to hear from you. - Thanks for your . - I hope you’re well. - I have some good news. - I’m writing to tell you about…
4. Body: - PARAGRAPH 1: personal information - PARAGRAPH 2: physical appearance - PARAGRAPH 3: personality - PARAGRAPH 4: hobbies and interests
5. Conclusion: - (Please), write soon. - That’s all for now. - (Well), that’s all my news. - I hope you’re well. - Give my love to + (somebody) - (Somebody) gives her / his love - I look forward to hearing from you.
6. Closing: - Best wishes, - Regards, - Love, - Lots of love, 7.Name (of the person who is writing the )