Unit 3 The World Of Words: Chapter 3 Google Images
Agenda Housekeeping: Grades Seminar DB Requirements Project Overview Discussion of Chapter 3: The nature of language The functions of language Problems with language Language in context
Housekeeping Posted Grades Seminars & Seminar Two Options Transcripts DB Requirements
Project Analyze an inappropriate on page 20 First, identify the intended topic, purpose, audience and medium (which is ) Then explain why the example is not suitable for all these elements (topic, purpose, audience, and medium) Finally, compose an (3 or 4 sentences) that is appropriate to the topic, purpose, audience and medium and includes a subject line, greeting and signature.
Any Questions? Google Images
The World of Words Chapter 4 ghRSpw4s&feature=channel
Symbolic Nature of Language Words are symbols Google Images
3 Characteristics of Symbols 1: Symbols are arbitrary -Words by themselves have no meaning -Changes over time? Goolge Images
3 Characteristics of Symbols 2: Symbols are ambiguous -Jeff was late to a meeting, which started at 3 PM; what time did he arrive? -Beck raked and bagged a lot of leaves; how many bags did you end up with? -Jennifer just graduated college and makes a good salary; how much does Jennifer make?
3 Characteristics of Symbols 3: Symbols are abstract - Words are not the things they represent “You misunderstood. Our ad says that we can help you get out of debt.”
Words Have Multiple Meanings Denotative Meaning Connotative Meaning Google Images
Language is Ruled by Grammar What is grammar? Why is it important to use correct grammar? Phonological rules & Syntactic rules Google Images
Language is Bound by Context Communicating competently involves understanding context as much as it means understanding grammar High Context and Low Context cultures
How We Learn… Communication Acquisition Google Images
Functional Competency 1: Control Neutral Term Synonymous with Influence Influence of the self, others, and the environment Google Images
Functional Competency 2: Information We use language to give and receive info 4 Important Aspects: Questioning Describing Reinforcing Withholding Google Images
Functional Competency 3: Feelings We use language to express feelings, which are facts for us. Google Images
Functional Competency 4: Creativity Imagining- the most complex functional competency Google Images
Functional Competency 5: Ritual Ritualizing: Learning rules for managing conversations and relationships &feature=related &feature=related Google Images
Abstraction & Meaning Abstraction Ladder: Evasion Equivocation Euphemisms Slang/jargon Google Images
Situation & Meaning Semantics: The relationship between symbols, objects, people, and concepts and refers to the meaning that words have for people. Pragmatics: Ability to use symbols effectively Google Images
Limits of Labeling When we place gender, ethnic, class, or occupation labels on others we can sometimes ignore individual differences Stereotypes feature=related feature=related
Dangers of Biased Language Biased Language Politically Correct Language Google Images
Confusing Facts, Opinions, and Inferences Fact: Tue and verifiable Opinion: Personal evaluation Inference: Assumptions or conclusions we make about the facts we observe of read Google Images
Contexts Relational Contexts Situational Contexts Culture as Context Geography and Language Accommodations Technology Google Images