Class: Seven Subject: English 2 nd paper Name of lesson: Duration: 40 minutes.
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson ss will be able to name the parts of an . write an . Give the definition of an .
Q. What is an ? Answer: An is an electronic mail which is used to send massage within a short time.
FORMAT OF From : senders address To : receivers address Sent : Day, Month date, Year;Time Subject : To mention the name of subject in short. The salutation,( name with greeting) Body of the The Subscription( signature of sender)
Example of an Inform your friend through about the necessity of planting more trees to save the world. From: To : Sent : Saturday,May 28, 2016; 8:00 am. Subject : Tree plantation. Dear Binoy, Trees are our best companion. They help us in different way. We cannot live a single moment in the world without trees.So, we should plant more trees. Yours ever, Avoy Sender’s address Receiver’s address Day,Month date, Year; Time Name of subject in short. The salutation Body of the The subscription
Write an to your friend asking him/ her to return your book. Provable answer: INDIVIDUAL WORK From : To : Sent : 28 th May, 2016 Subject : request to return the book Dear Jhon, I hope you are well by grace of almighty. You borrowed a book entitled “ My Active Communicative English” from me long ago. But you have returned it to me. My annual examination is close to hand. So I need of the book. Please return it to me as soon as possible. Take care Your loving friend Avoy
EVALUATION Q.What is an ? Q. Tell the name of ’s parts?
HOME WORK Write an to your friend telling him/her about your recent visit at Kotbari.