Classics in the Medical School
Polyclitus’ Doruphoros
Galen’s ‘non-naturals’ Air and Environment Food and Drink Exercise and Rest Sleep and Waking Mental Wellbeing Physiological balance ……all in balance and in moderation
Publications P. Dieppe, D.Marsden, L. Long, ‘Galen in Modern Medicine’, in J. Wilkins, Galen on Health and Wellbeing, ch. 7, for CUP D. Marsden, P. Dieppe, J. Wilkins and C. Gill, ‘Maintainining Health and Wellbeing in the 21 st century: the Value of Galen’s Principles’, International Journal of Wellbeing (forthcoming)
In preparation P. Dieppe, D. Marsden, L. Long and J. Wilkins, ‘Can Galen help the NHS?’, for British Medical Journal