1 Equality Service University of Leeds ‘Values’ Equality & Diversity training for RCS staff
2 Equality Service Aim of this session: “To raise an awareness of key equality and diversity issues and how they apply to your work”.
3 Equality Service Objectives Today, we will outline and explain: 1.The meanings of some key terms like “equality”, “diversity” and “values” 2.How equality legislation affects you (including your rights and responsibilities) 3.Harassment, bullying and the appropriate use of language in the workplace.
4 Equality Service What does “equal opportunities” mean?
5 Equality Service Equal Opportunities means: Treating everybody the same? Treating everybody as you would like to be treated?
6 Equality Service Is everybody the same?
7 Equality Service Equal Opportunities: Is about understanding that we are all different is about creating a level playing field to give people equal access to jobs, services, educational and other opportunities, is about preventing and tackling discrimination on grounds of….
8 Equality Service Diversity: is about moving beyond giving people access, and towards a proper understanding of the diversity within each individual is about responding to the needs, motivations, experiences and skills of individuals.
9 Equality Service The University of Leeds Values
10 Equality Service Residential and Commercial Services Values: Excellence in Service Delivery Team work Honesty Professionalism Inclusiveness
11 Equality Service 6 “strands” of equality Legislation prohibits discrimination on grounds of: Gender (includes pregnancy, marital status & gender identity) Race (the term “racial grounds” covers race, colour, nationality, national origin & ethnic origin) Disability (a broad definition of “disability”) Sexual Orientation (legislation protects lesbian, gay, heterosexual & bisexual people from discrimination) Religion (legislation covers people with a religious belief & those without) Age (legislation covers people of all ages)
12 Equality Service What is discrimination? Direct discrimination “Treating someone less favourably than someone else on the grounds of the race, gender, sexual orientation etc”.. Indirect Discrimination Victimisation Failing to make reasonable adjustments Harrasment
13 Equality Service Harassment is defined as: – Unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment..
14 Equality Service Bullying is characterised as: offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, or injure the recipient.
15 Equality Service Verbal (shouting, threatening, name calling, using offensive language, telling offensive jokes, making personal remarks…) Non – verbal (showing offensive materials, aggressive and intimidating gestures, ignoring or deliberately excluding someone) Physical (pushing, hitting, touching, invading someone's ‘personal space’, throwing things) may occur in a face-to-face setting, by telephone, in written or electronic communications
16 Equality Service What might all this mean in practice?
17 Equality Service Case study: DVD What could Tony’s co-worker do to help resolve the situation? In situations like this what are the manager’s responsibilities? What if Steve says he didn’t mean to upset Tony, and he was only joking?
18 Equality Service Looking at Language
19 Equality Service In groups: Explore names or words used to describe given social group. Are they fine / dodgy / awful ? Can you think of an alternative?
20 Equality Service We need to get our language right…. So we don’t cause offence To give the right impressions of ourselves and our organisation In order to ensure that we are understood and understand others So we don’t end up in a tribunal
21 Equality Service Recap and summary: Understanding of key terms such as ‘equality’, ‘diversity’, and ‘values’ Our rights and a responsibility to promote equality across campus Awareness of bullying and harassment in the workplace Awareness of language we should use in a professional context
22 Equality Service For further information and advice: The Equality Service Telephone: The Mediation Service Telephone: Your Trade Union rep (if you have one) Your Line Manager Your HR Manager