Kissinger CH: 6 Essential Question: What tactics did Bismarck use to maintain European peace before the Congress of Berlin in 1878?
What is Realpolitik? Germany’s Dilemma The more Germany sought to protect its self from France and Russia the more hostile France and Russia became towards Germany. European Relationships German and French Relationship France wanted revenge and made itself available to any county that was an enemy of Germany. The enemy of my enemy is my friend Germany feared being encircled by France. Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires After its defeat to Germany, Austria could only expand towards the Balkans Russia also had interest in the Balkans since Napoleon. Germany and Realpolitik politics or diplomacy based primarily on power and on practical and material factors and considerations, rather than explicit ideological notions or moral or ethical premises.
European Relationships Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empires Germany and Russian Empires Great Britain, France and Russia European Relationships Germany supported Austria-Hungary Bismarck wanted to support Austria but also could not push Russia towards France. Great Britain’s “Splendid isolationism” France and Great Britain clashed over colonial ambitions
Reasons for Russia’s continued expansion Russia’s Continued Expansion The Tsars absolute authority and their desire to promote conservative ideals throughout Europe Believed that their culture was superior Fear of their boarders not being protected If Russia did not continue to expand it would implode. Expansion would protect its newly acquired territories. Desire for warm water port. Saw themselves as protectors of Slavic people and the Orthodox church. Quote from Dostoyevsky pg 143
Role of Great Britain in European Peace Great Britain’s Role Since the Napoleonic Wars Great Britain had acted as balancer of European equilibrium. Great Britain had failed to check German power which after unification Germany was powerful enough to control the continent. Great Britain did not want to stand in the way of nationalization of the continent. “Splendid Isolation” meant Great Britain would only protect the balance of power when it was under attack not when it was merely threatened. Therefore Great Britain was not concerned with Germany but was instead focused on Russia’s and France’s colonial ambitions
Bismarck attempts to keep peace in Europe Bismarck wanted peace for his newly created German Empire. To keep peace he had to keep Russia and Austria from aligning with France. To do so he had to keep Russian and Austrian ambitions in the Balkans under check. Bismarck also had to prevent becoming too supportive of Russian colonial ambitions that would provoke Great Britain to act. Three Emperors’ League 1873 Pseudo-Crisis 1875 Bismarck was not going to go to war with France but he liked France believing he would. Russia was not going to back a democratic France but liked Germany believing it would. The Pseudo-Crisis showed Bismarck that it was possible for a Anglo-French-Russo alliance. Bismarck’s Diplomacy
Balkan-Crisis 1876 Bismarck had to keep from pushing Russia or Austria away Berlin Memorandum 1876 warned the Ottomans if they suppressed the Balkans, Russia would act on behalf of the three emperors league. Great Britain fearing the Three Emperors League was aiming to divide Ottoman territory, without them, backed the Ottomans but also said the Ottomans must not use force against the people of the Balkans. Russia then overplayed its hand and invaded the Balkans at which point Austria became fearful of Russian’s true intentions. Treaty of San Stefano Bismarck’s Diplomacy Gave Russia control of the Balkan Slavs. Austria and Great Britain found this unacceptable Austria threatened war over the division of the Balkans in Russia’s favor and Great Britain threatened war if Russia moved into Constantinople
Kissinger 6 Essential Question: How and why did Bismarck change his foreign policy after the Congress of Berlin 1878?
Congress of Berlin June 1878 Bismarck’s Diplomacy Before the congress Great Britain and Russia had worked out the issues with San Stefano. The “Big Bulgaria” that had been created was replaced by three new entities. 1.A much smaller independent Bulgaria 2.The state of Eastern Rumelia, an autonomous entity that was technically under Turkish governor but whose administration would be overseen by a European Commission. 3.The rest of Bulgaria reverted to Turkish Rule. 1.Russia's gains in Armenia were reduced. 2.Great Britain made a separate secret agreement with Austria that it would support Austria’s occupation of Bosnia-herzegovina. 3.Great Britain assured the Ottomans of their rule in Asiatic Turkey in exchange for Cyprus as a naval base.
Congress of Berlin Bismarck’s only goal was to preserve peace between Russia and Austria. He sided with Russian claims in Eastern Balkans (Bessarabia) and supported Austrian ambitions in western Balkans (the occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina). Bismarck was always careful to state Germany had no interest in the Balkans. Bismarck was blamed by Russian nationalists for siding with Great Britain during the congress. Outcomes for Europe Bismarck partitions Ottoman territory. (Bismarck Cartoons) Russia pushed away from Germany. Bismarck’s Diplomacy
Change in foreign policy Initially Bismarck’s foreign policy was to not have any alliances and back whichever sided benefited German national interests at that particular time. After the Congress of Berlin Germany was too strong to be isolated, the rest of Europe would unite against Germany. Therefor Germany was in need of allies. He developed an alliance system that would prevent Germany’s potential advisories from forming anti-German alliances secret alliance with Austria Hoped to help stop Russian expansion Austria could not use German backing as a threat to Russia Germany had veto over Austrian policy in the Balkans Second Three Emperors’ League 1881 Based on Realpolitik not morals If one of the countries fought a fourth country the other two members would be neutral. (Protecting Germany from a two front war) Bismarck’s Alliance System
1882 Bismarck added Italy to the Dual Alliance with Austria to become a Triple alliance. Germany and Austria pledged assistance in an Italian-Franco war Italy pledged neutrality in case of a Austro-Russo war Mediterranean Agreements Supported by Bismarck Italy, Austria and Great Britain agreed to maintain the status quo in the Mediterranean. Bulgarian Crisis of 1885 A national movement within Bulgaria created the “Big Bulgaria” that had been created after the treaty of San Stefano. It was unified under a German Prince but Bismarck had nothing to do with it. Russia believing Bismarck was behind it left the Three Emperors League in 1887 Reinsurance Treaty 1887 Germany and Russia promised to stay neutral in a war involving a third country. Unless Germany attacked France or Russia attacked Austria. The Tsar insisted it remain secret Bismarck’s Alliance System
1.What does the term interlocking alliances mean? 2.How can interlocking alliances become problematic? 3.What does overlapping alliances mean? 4.How can overlapping alliances become problematic? 5.How did a shift from Realpolitik to a moral based foreign policy jeopardize Bismarck’s alliance system? Discussion Questions