2 What is Physical Activity? Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure
3 Health Benefits Reduces risk for heart disease by strengthening the heart muscle Reduces risk for stroke Reduces risk for some types of cancer Reduces LDL cholesterol level Raises HDL cholesterol level
4 Health Benefits cont…. Improves blood flow Protects against osteoporosis Increases muscle mass Strengthens immune system Decreases body fat levels by conserving muscle mass and increasing body’s ability to burn calories
5 Mental & Emotional Benefits Causes an increase in endorphins Causes an increase in serotonin levels May help prevent depression Decreases anxiety levels
6 Mental & Emotional Benefits cont… Releases anger, frustrations or tensions in everyday life Increases creative thinking and mental sharpness Increases energy levels Makes you feel good about yourself & increases confidence
7 Social Benefits Opportunity to share time with friends and family
8 Long-Term Consequences Overweight or obese Increased risk of diabetes Increased risk of high blood pressure Increased risk of high cholesterol Increases risk of heart disease Increased risk of colon cancer
9STATISTICS The rate of obesity among adolescents aged 12–19 more than tripled over 20 years, increasing from 5.0% to 17.6% Children and adolescents who are overweight are more likely to be overweight or obese as adults In 2007, 23.9 % U.S. people performed no leisure time physical activity
10 Delaware Physical Activity Statistics Delaware: 2007 FemalesMalesRecommended Insufficient Inactive No Leisure time activity Delaware: 2007 WhiteBlackHispanicOtherRecommended N/A47.1 Insufficient N/A37.8 Inactive N/AN/A No leisure time activity N/A25.7
12MYTH Pushing your body to the limits just increases your risk for injury Also adds mental stress and takes some of the fun out of being active
13 5 Components of Physical Fitness Aerobic Endurance/Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition
14 Aerobic Endurance/ Cardio-Respiratory Fitness The body’s ability to use oxygen Combination of respiratory system & Circulatory system Exercise over extended periods of time Allows you to last longer when participating in activities Examples: Running, Biking, Climbing stairs, racket sports, swimming
15 Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Ability to exert a force against some type of resistance Examples: Lifting weight, picking up books from a desk, standing up from a chair Ability to repeat muscle exertions Examples: sit-ups, push-ups, squatting repeatedly, repetitions when weight lifting
16Flexibility Body Composition Ability to move through the full range of motion allowed by a joint Depends on many factors: age, gender, body fat/muscle mass ratio & exercise done to enhance flexibility Most effectively achieved through stretching NEVER stretch a cold muscle!! Always do a light warm-up Percentage of body fat found in the body More important that pounds on a scale Women: 19-26% Men: 15-19%