November 2012 Updates: Growing up fast means... New clothes, hurray!
Alma has been fantastic with the toilet training, and doesn’t really need a nappy day or night. As we were about to go on a long plane ride and sleep in foreign beds, I didn’t get rid of the nappies yet. She doesn’t need the “Pipi-prize” any longer, but occasionally asks for it, so I give her some stickers to make a picture.
Alma finally settled well into day care and stopped crying. The thing that did the trick was making a shoe box into a mailbox, so she (and the other kids) could write letters to surprise their mums while at day care. This project kept her happy there at last.
The day care teacher was very supportive and made this into the main activity for a few weeks (it also worked well with their focus on letters to Santa). Now that Alma stopped crying she could at last work on her connection with the teacher and the other kids, and even used the word “Dog”!
Alma started to fit into her size 3 clothes (despite not being 2 and a half even yet!) and was enthusiastic about the new collection, which is mainly hand- me-downs from her sister.
Right: a new dress from grandma Jaike
She also grew from size 6 to 8 in shoes so she got new trainers. A new fancy dress from grandma Eti
Alma especially liked the money belt of the dress and one morning wore it when we went out shopping at the supermarket. When we reached the cashier she took out a plastic coin and insisted to pay the lady... Too cute!
Alma also designs her own line of clothes...
Super Alma saves the day She certainly has a taste for drama...
Alma’s hair has grown a lot and now she has proper pigtails! In our next presentation: Celebrating food!