Chapter 20, Sections 3-4 Big Reading Packet
Reign of Terror Creation of Directory (Constitution of 1795) Death of Napoleon Overthrow of the Directory Limited Monarchy created (Constitution of 1791) Monarchs executed Napoleon becomes 1 st Consul Napoleon crowns himself emperor Napoleon escapes exile and ‘100 Days’ starts Storming of the Bastille
Storming of the Bastille Limited Monarchy created (Constitution of 1791) Monarchs executed – Reign of Terror Creation of Directory (Constitution of 1795) 1799 – Napoleon overthrows the Directory Napoleon becomes 1 st Consul for Life Napoleon crowns himself emperor Napoleon escapes exile and ‘100 Days’ starts Death of Napoleon
1 st Phase = Moderate Phase of the National Assembly 2 nd Phase =Escalating Violence/The Reign of Terror Where? Versailles, France, Tennis Court; Paris, Bastille; When? , June 1789 (Tennis Court Oath) 14 th of July (Bastille Day) Who? The three estates, part of the Old Regime, The National Assembly, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Huguenots What? The Tennis Court Oath, The Constitutional Monarchy, Declaration of the Rights of Man, The Relics of Feudalism (Estate system), Civil Constitution of the Clergy, Falling of Bastille, the Fear Why? Voting rights of the Third Estate, Need for Constitution, New rights/eliminate the social betters, inflation, lavish spending/deficit spending, Versailles, unfair taxation, Huguenots, Enlightenment Where? The tulliares/Paris, Versailles, Lyon When? September Who? Maximilion Robespierre, The National Convention (appointed the COPS) Jacobins, Marie Antoinette, George Danton, Marat-People’s friend, Louis XVI What? The Friend of the People, Flight and Execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, National Convention created, Reign of Terror, French plague, Guillotine, Declarations of war, changing of calendar Why? Louis attempts to escape, seen as a traitor to revolution; fear of internal enemies to rev; 4 th Phase =Age of Napoleon Where? Europe, Russia, Austria, France When? /1815 Who? Napoleon, What? Established peace w/ church, Codification of Law, Abdicates 1814=exile to Elba, 1815-abdicates again=exiled to St. Helena, battle of Waterloo, Battle of the Nations, creation of an empire, invasion of Russia. Why? People tired of inefficient government, Create order, spread of Enlightenment ideas, 3 rd Phase =Period of Reaction against Extremist Where? Paris, When? Who? 5 man Directory, Robespierre, Marat What? Robespierre killed, Marat killed, Not effective, no change Why? Tired of being afraid of gov, Tired of executions, Robespierre executed, directory=corrupt
Absolute Monarchy (Louis XVI, ) Constitutional Monarchy (Louis XVI & Legislative Assembly, – Constitution of 1791) Republic (National Convention/C.O.P.S, ) Weak Republic (Directory, ) Consulate – Empire (Napoleon, ) Constitutional Monarchy (Louis XVIII, )
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was passed by the Constitution of 1791 in order to bring the Church under state control. It made clergy members accountable to the people by requiring them to be elected, salaried officials. The Civil Constitution is often considered a mistake because it caused people to choose between supporting the Revolution and following their religion/God.
As an absolute monarch, Louis XVI inherited his throne and ruled by Divine Right. He had no accountability to the people and could do whatever he wanted. Ceremonies, like the Levee, existed to stress his importance. Despite this, he was considered a weak king would was easily swayed, which contributed to the financial crisis in France.
The Tennis Court Oath was established by the representatives of the Third Estate to the Estates General found their meeting hall locked by Louis XVI and they decided to meet in an indoor tennis court. They took an oath declaring themselves the National Assembly and affirmed their goal of creating a constitution for France.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Food Shortages, Heavy taxes, Foreign wars, etc…
The Storming of the Bastille was significant because it was the first violent act of revolution and is considered the spark of the French Revolution. The Bastille, a medieval fortress turned prison, served as a symbol of royal absolutism and the storming represented an attack on the oppressive Ancien Regime.
The Congress of Vienna was a meeting between major European powers whose chief purpose was to restore Europe to the way it was before the French Revolution and Napoleon. The attempted to do this by establishing a balance of power and surrounding France by powerful nations to prevent it from gaining power post-Napoleon. In the end, the Congress failed because it failed to take into account the forces of nationalism that arose as a response to Napoleon, ironically the same force that ultimately defeated Napoleon.
By attempting to escape from France in June of 1791, Louis XVI effectively destroyed the prospect of a moderate Revolution resulting in the instillation of a limited constitutional monarchy. His escape signaled to the people that Louis XVI did not support or care about their desires and calls for equality and would not abide by the new constitution. The people now saw him as a traitor to the revolution and was subsequently executed.
1 st estate – Clergy 2 nd estate – Nobility 3 rd estate – Bourgeoisie, Working Class, Peasants (basically everyone else)
The Duke of Wellington and General the Battle of Waterloo.
He wanted to show the world that he was a “self- made” emperor and owed allegiance to no one, not even the Church.
While the Revolution allowed greater social equality and opened up more jobs to the Bourgeoisie, for peasants, the largest impact it has was that it granted greater landownership rights and ended the burden of manorial dues.
Napoleon, who focused on social equality while suppressing political liberty, advocated for position based on merit/talent rather than social standing, created the Napoleonic Code, established the first national bank of France, strengthened the central government, and created a system of public schools.
The Declaration guaranteed rights to Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity through establishing rights to property, ending inequality in taxation and disallowing new taxes, and stating the right to a free education. It also did away with the old regime by ending special privileges to the nobility.
There were several factors that contributed to France’s debt, including the lifestyle of the monarchs at Versailles, foreign war –such as the 7 Years War and the American Revolution, the maintenance of the military, and the lack of adequate taxation policies.
It provided the intellectual basis for challenging government and establishing the rights of citizens under the law. Further, the American Revolution proved to the French that these ideas could be established as policy.
The C.O.P.S. operated with the goal of protecting the revolution from both foreign and domestic threats. It achieved this by establishing the Reign of Terror which sought to eliminate factions, such as the Sans-Culottes, ending rapid inflation, and mobilizing all of France to prevent foreign invasion.
Political – Inept rulers, absolutism, failure/opportunity of the Estates General Economic – high taxes, debt (from war, deficit spending, Versailles) Social – Estates System (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd Estates)
The Constitution of 1791 established a Constitutional Monarchy under Louis XVI who was limited by the Legislative Assembly. It further abolished special privileges held by the former first and second estates and freed peasants from the vestiges of feudalism and their obligations to pay dues and service fees to landlords.