IFMS GM1, Atlanta European Meteorological Society A forum for facilitating discussion, strengthening collaboration and taking common action in meteorology, climatology and related subjects
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Overview How it all started Vision and Mission, Objectives Membership Structure of the EMS Activities Summary
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta How it all started 1993 First ECAM, Oxford: First Meeting of 17 national societies 1999 Fourth ECAM, Norköpping: Foundation of EMS 2001 First EMS Annual Meeting together with 5th ECAM in Budapest 2001 onwards: EMS has continued to grow to * 36 Member Societies * 30 Associate Members
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta years of EMS Who is EMS? 36 national meteorological societies represent ~ individuals 30 Associate Members Weather Services Private Service Providers European Institutions Manufacturers
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta EMS Membership 36 national meteorological societies EMS Members are national meteorological and hydrological societies rather than individual members. Existing membership represents about 10,000 individuals. 30 Associate Members The EMS is an umbrella organization for the meteorological community in Europe. International organizations, national meteorological and hydrological services, research institutes, meteorological service providers and manufacturers of instruments can join the EMS as Associate Members.
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Vision and Mission advance the science, profession and application of meteorology, and of sciences related to it, at the Europe-wide level, for the benefit of the whole population help its Member Societies and Associate Members, individually and collectively, to benefit all classes of their membership achieve better communication and understanding amongst the members of the European meteorological community
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Objectives Promote professional standards and best practice across European meteorological service providers and practitioners Establish collaborative activities and share experience Raise the profile of member societies
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Structure of the EMS Council elects the President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer General Assembly Elects 6 rotating Council representatives for 2-year terms France UK Germany Permanent representatives: Council
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Structure of the EMS - General Assembly General Assembly Every Member Society has one vote; Finland and Italy have more than one Member Society, and have one collective vote All Associate Members are invited as observers The GA normally meets once a year and hears the report of the Council, including the report of the Treasurer, and approves it. The GA elects Member Societies to be represented in the Council From the 30 Member Societies normally between 15 and 20 are present with a representative at the GA
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Structure of the EMS - Council Council meets twice a year Permanent observers (ECMWF, ESA, EUMETSAT) and representatives of groups of Associate Members (manufacturers, NMHS, private service providers, research institutes) are invited as observers
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Objectives Promote professional standards and best practice across European meteorological service providers and practitioners Establish collaborative activities and share experience Raise the profile of member societies
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Accreditation Committee documented different approaches to accredation available in European countries promote the development of professional standards and vocational training across Europe survey of training opportunities and professional qualifications within Europe develop a code of best practice that may serve for national societies and institutions to be adopted and adapted Professional Standards and Best Practice
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Professional Standards and Best Practice Media Awards Programme Broadcast Meteorologist Award TV Weather Forecast Award Outreach & Communication Award Outstanding Poster Award Media Session discussion forum Electronic Publication of material from the Media Session Best Practice Website
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Objectives Promote professional standards and best practice across European meteorological service providers and practitioners Establish collaborative activities and share experience Raise the profile of member societies
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta The EMS Annual Meetings Publications electronic ems-message conference papers in Open-Access Journal Advances in Science and Research Collaborative activities & share experience
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Collaborative activities & share experience The EMS Annual Meetings Meteorology and its social impact in Europe Climate Variability and the European Economy Meteorology and its social impact in Europe On Satellite data for the observation and prediction of weather and climate Adaptation to climate change Communication on Climate Change: Why should they believe us?
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Activities Future EMS Annual Meetings EMS & ECAC 13 – 17 September 2010, Zurich, Switzerland EMS & ECAM 12 – 16 September 2011, Berlin, Germany EMS & ECAC 10 – 14 September 2012, Łodz, Poland
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Activities - Awards EMS Silver Medal Young Scientist Travel Awards Outstanding Poster Award Young Scientist Award
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Activities - Publications Website ems-message Issued four times each year Material welcome Individual notification service: … ASR publications
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta SWOT – Analysis of EMS Strength Forum for exchange between Meteorological Societies in Europe and globally Organizing the Annual Conference of EMS Specific Contacts to the Media Supporting young scientists Awards European contact to and for the American Meteorological Society
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta SWOT – Analysis of EMS Weakness Members may not see the advantage to be a member of the EMS Exchange between EMS member societies very weak Relationship with National Meteorological Services in Europe Personal and financial resources limited Relationship with Member Societies Not fully recognized as part of the European Meteorological Infrastructure
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta SWOT – Analysis of EMS Opportunities Making the Weaknesses to Strengths Threats Loosing members High deficit originating from organization of the Annual Conference No relationship with the European Meteorological Infrastructure
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta years of EMS - did it make a difference? Question to our Members: do you benefit from the EMS?
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta years of EMS - did it make a difference? Communication
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta The challenges ahead 10 years of EMS EMS established in the European meteorological community The challenges but: consider how to become more focussed and better meet the needs of its membership
European Meteorological Society IFMS GM1, Atlanta Thank you Working together through the EMS can ensure the meteorological activities within Europe will improve. Thank you for attention!