Opener #8 Week of
1.Shawn Bradley is a very tall son-in-law! 2. the albums owned by the Rogers family 3. A condo in Paris, France was purchased by Bill and Hillary Clinton. 4. The shortest players on the basketball team (was, were) the best free throw shooters. 5. Begun in 1859, the Red Cross or International Committee of the Red Cross it is a volunteer organization
Root: vit, viv Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the root) Affix: (prefix) super-, sur- Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the affix)
6. None of the Super Bowl commercials (was/were) as good as last year’s were. 7. If the weather had been good, gym class would have been held outside. 8. The road to the castle was one to be avoided. 9. One of the challenges in competitive sports is to learn to gracefully (accept/except) defeat. 10. Present tense of study
Spelling/Misuse Copy the words and definitions. emigrate: exiting a country-from (e=exit) immigrate: go to a country-to (i=in) Copy the sentences and fill in the blanks with emigrate or immigrate. 1.My grandparents decided to _________ to the U.S in David ________ to the US from Canada. 3.My friend from college _________ from France. 4. Danny will __________ to Japan next summer.
Minimum of 5 Sentences Check your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization Prompt:What is the meaning of the quote listed? Explain your answer.
11. Mary and (I, me) visited the ghost town. 12. The actor who has the leading role is a senior. 13. (It’s, Its) going to be the best dance of the year. 14. The plain white background on the flag is also symbolic. It symbolizes peace throughout the games. 15. Excavation
Root: flect, flex Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the root) Affix: (prefix) un- Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) Sentence: (underline the affix)
16. Wow, what a goal 17. Juan will be an engineer after graduation. 18. Mario and Grace held hands tightly as they walked down the aisle after their wedding. 19. all of the lunch workers cars were snowed in after the blizzard 20. That new restaurant opens early and closes late.
Idiom Draw the chart and fill in each side with a picture and a 2 sentence explanation. Use the idiom in a sentence. An expression of figurative language that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but has a meaning of its own as a whole phrase. You should eat the apple instead of the fries. You are what you eat, you know! Literal = word for word Figurative = as a whole Idiom: LiteralFigurative Sentence: _________________________ Idiom: ______ = Meaning: ______