Logistics for Webinar For Audio, please dial: Access code # Participants muted Ask questions in chat any time 20 minutes for Q&A Recording & slides will be here: ezid.cdlib.org/home/outreach
Conversations about Data Citation with Joan Starr California Digital Matt Mayernik NCAR Mary Linn Bergstrom UC San
conversation threads intro to EZID (Joan) intro to NCAR (Matt) intro to RCI (Mary Linn) discussion open topics from chat stream
EZID (easy-eye-dee) makes it easy… …to create identifiers (for anything)
EZID (easy-eye-dee) makes it easy… …to store citation metadata about the object
EZID (easy-eye-dee) makes it easy… …to update the object’s URL so links are never broken!
Conversations about Data Citation: Initiatives at NCAR/UCAR Matthew Mayernik Project Scientist and Research Data Services Specialist NCAR Library / UCAR Integrated Information Services (IIS) National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) CDL Webinar Sept. 24, 2014
NCAR/UCAR Research 10 Image: copyright University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR/UCAR Resources 11 Climate model output Longitudinal time-seriesObservational data Images: copyright University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Analysis and visualization software Supercomputing facilities
UC San Diego: planning, pilots
UC San Diego: partners, programs
UC San Diego Accounts
Let the conversations begin!